Just converting some shell scripts into batch files and there is one thing I can\'t seem to find...and that is a simple count of the number of command line arguments.
<If the number of arguments should be an exact number (less or equal to 9), then this is a simple way to check it:
if "%2" == "" goto args_count_wrong
if "%3" == "" goto args_count_ok
echo I need exactly two command line arguments
exit /b 1
Avoids using either shift
or a for
cycle at the cost of size and readability.
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a arg_idx=1
set "curr_arg_value="
if !arg_idx! GTR 9 goto :done
set curr_arg_label=%%!arg_idx!
call :get_value curr_arg_value !curr_arg_label!
if defined curr_arg_value (
echo/!curr_arg_label!: !curr_arg_value!
set /a arg_idx+=1
goto :loop1
set /a cnt=!arg_idx!-1
echo/argument count: !cnt!
goto :eof
set %1=%2
count_cmdline_args.bat testing more_testing arg3 another_arg
%1: testing
%2: more_testing
%3: arg3
%4: another_arg
argument count: 4
EDIT: The "trick" used here involves:
Constructing a string that represents a currently evaluated command-line argument variable (i.e. "%1", "%2" etc.) using a string that contains a percent character (%%
) and a counter variable arg_idx
on each loop iteration.
Storing that string into a variable curr_arg_label
Passing both that string (!curr_arg_label!
) and a return variable's name (curr_arg_value
) to a primitive subprogram get_value
In the subprogram its first argument's (%1
) value is used on the left side of assignment (set
) and its second argument's (%2
) value on the right. However, when the second subprogram's argument is passed it is resolved into value of the main program's command-line argument by the command interpreter. That is, what is passed is not, for example, "%4" but whatever value the fourth command-line argument variable holds ("another_arg" in the sample usage).
Then the variable given to the subprogram as return variable (curr_arg_value
) is tested for being undefined, which would happen if currently evaluated command-line argument is absent. Initially this was a comparison of the return variable's value wrapped in square brackets to empty square brackets (which is the only way I know of testing program or subprogram arguments which may contain quotes and was an overlooked leftover from trial-and-error phase) but was since fixed to how it is now.