Just converting some shell scripts into batch files and there is one thing I can\'t seem to find...and that is a simple count of the number of command line arguments.
<A robust solution is to delegate counting to a subroutine invoked with call
; the subroutine uses goto
statements to emulate a loop in which shift
is used to consume the (subroutine-only) arguments iteratively:
@echo off
:: Call the argument-counting subroutine with all arguments received,
:: without interfering with the ability to reference the arguments
:: with %1, ... later.
call :count_args %*
:: Print the result.
echo %ReturnValue% argument(s) received.
:: Exit the batch file.
exit /b
:: Subroutine that counts the arguments given.
:: Returns the count in %ReturnValue%
set /a ReturnValue = 0
if %1.==. goto :eof
set /a ReturnValue += 1
goto count_args_for
Try this:
FOR %%A in (%*) DO SET /A ARGS_COUNT+=1
Googling a bit gives you the following result from wikibooks:
set argC=0
for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1
echo %argC%
Seems like cmd.exe has evolved a bit from the old DOS days :)
You tend to handle number of arguments with this sort of logic:
IF "%1"=="" GOTO HAVE_0
IF "%2"=="" GOTO HAVE_1
IF "%3"=="" GOTO HAVE_2
If you have more than 9 arguments then you are screwed with this approach though. There are various hacks for creating counters which you can find here, but be warned these are not for the faint hearted.
The last answer was two years ago now, but I needed a version for more than nine command line arguments. May be another one also does...
@echo off
set argc_=1
set arg0_=%0
set argv_=
set arg_=%1
if defined arg_ (
set arg%argc_%_=%1
set argv_=%argv_% %1
set /a argc_+=1
goto _LOOP
::dont count arg0
set /a argc_-=1
echo %argc_% arg(s)
for /L %%i in (0,1,%argc_%) do (
call :_SHOW_ARG arg%%i_ %%arg%%i_%%
echo converted to local args
call :_LIST_ARGS %argv_%
exit /b
set argc_=0
echo arg0=%0
set arg_=%1
if not defined arg_ exit /b
set /a argc_+=1
call :_SHOW_ARG arg%argc_% %1
echo %1=%2
exit /b
The solution is the first 19 lines and converts all arguments to variables in a c-like style. All other stuff just probes the result and shows conversion to local args. You can reference arguments by index in any function.
The function :getargc
below may be what you're looking for.
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
call :getargc argc %*
echo Count is %argc%
echo Args are %*
goto :eof
set getargc_v0=%1
set /a "%getargc_v0% = 0"
if not x%2x==xx (
set /a "%getargc_v0% = %getargc_v0% + 1"
goto :getargc_l0
set getargc_v0=
goto :eof
It basically iterates once over the list (which is local to the function so the shifts won't affect the list back in the main program), counting them until it runs out.
It also uses a nifty trick, passing the name of the return variable to be set by the function.
The main program just illustrates how to call it and echos the arguments afterwards to ensure that they're untouched:
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 3 4 5
Count is 5
Args are 1 2 3 4 5
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Count is 11
Args are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1
Count is 1
Args are 1
C:\Here> xx.cmd
Count is 0
Args are
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 "3 4 5"
Count is 3
Args are 1 2 "3 4 5"