How can I echo HTML in PHP?

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耶瑟儿~ 2020-11-22 06:40

I want to conditionally output HTML to generate a page, so what\'s the easiest way to echo multiline snippets of HTML in PHP 4+? Would I need to use a template framework lik

  • 2020-11-22 07:01

    In addition to Chris B's answer, if you need to use echo anyway, still want to keep it simple and structured and don't want to spam the code with <?php stuff; ?>'s, you can use the syntax below.

    For example you want to display the images of a gallery:

    foreach($images as $image)
            '<a href="', site_url(), 'images/', $image['name'], '">',
                '<img ',
                    'class="image" ',
                    'title="', $image['title'], '" ',
                    'src="', site_url(), 'images/thumbs/', $image['filename'], '" ',
                    'alt="', $image['description'], '"',

    Echo takes multiple parameters so with good indenting it looks pretty good. Also using echo with parameters is more effective than concatenating.

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  • 2020-11-22 07:01

    Try this:

        echo <<<HTML
        Your HTML tags here
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  • 2020-11-22 07:04
    $enter_string = '<textarea style="color:#FF0000;" name="message">EXAMPLE</textarea>';
    echo('Echo as HTML' . htmlspecialchars((string)$enter_string));
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  • 2020-11-22 07:04
    echo '


    echo "<html>\n<body>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
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  • 2020-11-22 07:09

    Another approach is put the HTML in a separate file and mark the area to change with a placeholder [[content]] in this case. (You can also use sprintf instead of the str_replace.)

    $page = 'Hello, World!';
    $content = file_get_contents('html/welcome.html');
    $pagecontent = str_replace('[[content]]', $content, $page);

    Alternatively, you can just output all the PHP stuff to the screen captured in a buffer, write the HTML, and put the PHP output back into the page.

    It might seem strange to write the PHP out, catch it, and then write it again, but it does mean that you can do all kinds of formatting stuff (heredoc, etc.), and test it outputs correctly without the hassle of the page template getting in the way. (The Joomla CMS does it this way, BTW.)


        echo('Hello, World!');
        $php_output = ob_get_contents();
    <h1>My Template page says</h1>
    Template footer
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  • 2020-11-22 07:13

    I am partial to this style:

    <%    if (X)
    %>      <title>Definitely X</title>
    <%    }
    %>      <title>Totally not X</title>
    <%    }
    %>  </head>

    I do use ASP-style tags, yes. The blending of PHP and HTML looks super-readable to my eyes. The trick is in getting the <% and %> markers just right.

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