Say you\'re writing method foo()
in class A. foo doesn\'t ever access any of A\'s state. You know nothing else about what foo does, or how it behaves. It cou
Unless you pass in an object reference, a static
method on an class enforces that the method itself cannot mutate the object because it lacks access to this
. In that regard, the static
modifier provides information to the programmer about the intention of the method, that of being side-effect free.
The anti-static purists may wish to remove those into a utility class which the anti-utility purists surely object to. But in reality, what does artificially moving those methods away from their only call site achieve, other than tight coupling to the new utility class.
A problem with blindly extracting common utility methods into their own classes is those utilities should really be treated as a new public API, even if it's only consumed by the original code. Few developers, when performing the refactoring, fail to consider this. Fast-forward to other devs using the crappy utility class. Later on somebody makes changes to the extension to suit themselves. If you're lucky a test or two breaks, but probably not.
Do think hard before creating a static method, but there are times when they are a good solution.
Joshua Bloch in "Item 1: Consider Static Factory Methods Instead of Constructors" in Effective Java makes a very persuasive case that static methods can be very beneficial. He gives the java.util.Collections class's 32 static factory methods as an example.
In one case, I have a hierarchy of POJO classes whose instances can be automatically serialized into XML and JSON, then deserialized back into objects. I have static methods that use Java generics to do deserialization: fromXML(String xml)
and fromJSON(String json)
. The type of POJO they return isn't known a priori, but is determined by the XML or JSON text. (I originally packaged these methods into a helper class, but it was semantically cleaner to move these static methods into the root POJO class.)
A couple of other examples:
-equivalent into its argument list!But don't use statics unthinkingly or you run the danger of falling into a more disorganized and more procedural style of programming.
No, the use of statics should be quite niche.
In this case the OP is likely 'hiding' state in the parameters passed into the static method. The way the question is posed makes this non-obvious (foo()
has no inputs or outputs), but I think in real world examples the things that should actually be part of the object's state would fall out quite quickly.
At the end of the day every call to obj.method(param)
resolves to method(obj, param)
, but this goes on at a way lower level than we should be designing at.
If foo()
doesn't have anything to do with Object A
then why is the method in there?
Static methods should still be relevant. If there isn't anything going on then why have you written a method that has no association with it?
It depends i.g. java.lang.Math has no method which isn't static. (You could do a static import to write cos() instead of Math.cos()) This shouldn't be overused but as some code that is intented to be called as a utility it would be acceptable. I.g Thread.currentThread()