I\'m currently looking for ways to create automated tests for a JAX-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services) based web service.
I basically need a way to send it cert
An important thing to do is to independently test your business logic
I certainly would not assume that the person who wrote the JAX-RS code and is looking to unit test the interface is somehow, for some bizarre, inexplicable reason, oblivious to the notion that he or she can unit testing other parts of the program, including business logic classes. It's hardly helpful to state the obvious and the point was repeatedly made that the responses need to be tested, too.
Both Jersey and RESTEasy have client applications and in the case of RESTEasy you can use the same annoations (even factor out annotated interface and use on the client and server side of your tests).
REST not what this service can do for you; REST what you can do for this service.
Though its too late from the date of posting the question, thought this might be useful for others who have a similar question. Jersey comes with a test framework called the Jersey Test Framework which allows you to test your RESTful Web Service, including the response status codes. You can use it to run your tests on lightweight containers like Grizzly, HTTPServer and/or EmbeddedGlassFish. Also, the framework could be used to run your tests on a regular web container like GlassFish or Tomcat.
You can try out REST Assured which makes it very simple to test REST services and validating the response in Java (using JUnit or TestNG).
Keep it simple. Have a look at https://github.com/valid4j/http-matchers which can be imported from Maven Central.
Usage example:
// Statically import the library entry point:
import static org.valid4j.matchers.http.HttpResponseMatchers.*;
// Invoke your web service using plain JAX-RS. E.g:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response response = client.target("http://example.org/hello").request("text/plain").get();
// Verify the response
assertThat(response, hasStatus(Status.OK));
assertThat(response, hasHeader("Content-Encoding", equalTo("gzip")));
assertThat(response, hasEntity(equalTo("content")));
// etc...
As I understand the main purpose of the auther of this issue is to decouple JAX RS layer from business one. And unit test only the first one. Two basic problems here we have to resolve:
The first one is solved with Arquillian. The second one is perfectly described in arquillican and mock
Here is an example of the code, it may differ if you use another application server, but I hope you'll get the basic idea and advantages.
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import com.brandmaker.skinning.service.SomeBean;
* Created by alexandr on 31.07.15.
public class RestBean
SomeBean bean;
public String getEntiry()
return bean.methodToBeMoked();
import java.util.Set;
import javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Application;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
public class JAXRSConfiguration extends Application
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses()
return Sets.newHashSet(RestBean.class);
public class SomeBean
public String methodToBeMoked()
return "Original";
import javax.enterprise.inject.Specializes;
import com.brandmaker.skinning.service.SomeBean;
public class SomeBeanMock extends SomeBean
public String methodToBeMoked()
return "Mocked";
public class RestBeanTest
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
WebArchive war = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "test.war")
.addClasses(JAXRSConfiguration.class, RestBean.class, SomeBean.class, SomeBeanMock.class)
.addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");
return war;
public void should_create_greeting() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target = client.target("");
//Building the request i.e a GET request to the RESTful Webservice defined
//by the URI in the WebTarget instance.
Invocation invocation = target.request().buildGet();
//Invoking the request to the RESTful API and capturing the Response.
Response response = invocation.invoke();
//As we know that this RESTful Webserivce returns the XML data which can be unmarshalled
//into the instance of Books by using JAXB.
Assert.assertEquals("Mocked", response.readEntity(String.class));
A couple of notes:
Hope, it'll help.
Jersey comes with a great RESTful client API that makes writing unit tests really easy. See the unit tests in the examples that ship with Jersey. We use this approach to test the REST support in Apache Camel, if you are interested the test cases are here