I am aware that there are similar issues about git relating to the \'unable to unlink\' warning, but I have not been able to use them.
The main difference is that th
In my case it was a ":" character in a folder name prevenitng the git repo to checkout on windows.
Solved for me by setting my git client (GitExtensions) to always run in admin mode.
I had that problem while using IntelliJ
(14.1.3 Ultimate), I wanted to revert changes in some file.
Solved by closing Git Bash
opened in another window - another revert trial in IntelliJ
All you need to do is provide permissions, run the command below from the root of your project:
chmod ug+w <directory path>
I have encountered this error and it is caused by wrong "owner/group" of the file/folder. You must seek assistance to your server admin to change the "owner/group" of this file/folder and retry using "git pull" again. Or if you are a sudoer, just sudo chown "your owner name / your group name" and try again pulling your repository. Try it, it works 100% to me!
Just in general, if this happens in Windows, and you are using tortoisegit, it is the status cache of tortoisegit. Kill that process and it will be freed.