Reading the coding horror, I just came across the FizzBuzz another time.
The original post is here: Coding Horror: Why Can\'t Programmers.. Program?
For thos
With the input of Rob H and Jacob Krall here is what I have at the moment. Perhaps I will play around with that in future... just wanted to provide it.
public void DoFizzBuzz()
// expect this to come in as parameter
var combinations = new Tuple<int, string>[]
new Tuple<int, string> (3, "Fizz"),
new Tuple<int, string> (5, "Buzz"),
Func<int, int, bool> isMatch = (i, comb) => i % comb == 0;
// expect the borders 1, 100 to come in as parameters
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
var matchingCombs = combinations.Where(c => isMatch(i, c.Item1)).DefaultIfEmpty(new Tuple<int, string>(i, i.ToString())).Aggregate((v, w) => new Tuple<int, string>(v.Item1, v.Item2 + w.Item2)).Item2;
The null-coalescing operator is really useful:
string output = null;
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0) output += "fizz";
if (i % 5 == 0) output += "buzz";
Console.WriteLine(output ?? i.ToString());
output = null;
In my opinion, the FizzBuzz problem is always presented as a challenge to the interviwee to make the word FizzBuzz appear without explicitly printing it. Here is my solution in C#.
internal void PrintFizzBuzzAlternative(int num)
if (num % 5 == 0)
if (num % 3 == 0)
if (num % 5 != 0 && num % 3 != 0)
You want probably make it configurable, but the question is what should be made configurable - we don't know that. Maybe we should make configurable all the cycle (FizzBuzz has the cycle). Here is very small and fun version with configurable cycle:
string[] fizzBuzzCycle =
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
Console.WriteLine(fizzBuzzCycle[i%fizzBuzzCycle.Length], i);
So if the strings or whole cycle should be changed it is easy to change. But you just don't know what to make configurable. Maybe condition will change: "for prime numbers print Pizz" and for this modification the solution by @ThomasLevesque is better, because it is easier to change.
Relatively simple solution using a for loop.
No Linq or anything - just basic shorthand if statements
for(int x=1;x<101;x++)
The Linq solution which is a lot like csells (sans string interpolation) and fits on one line would be:
This my effort mixing Func with IEnumerable
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (var i in FizzBuzz(100))
private static IEnumerable<string> FizzBuzz(int maxvalue)
int count = 0;
//yield return count.ToString();
Func<int, string> FizzBuzz = (x) => ((x % 5 == 0 && x % 3 == 0) ? "FizzBuzz" : null);
Func<int, string> Buzz = (x) => ((x % 5 == 0) ? "Buzz" : null);
Func<int, string> Fizz = (x) => ((x % 3 == 0) ? "Fizz" : null);
Func<int, string> Number = (x) => x.ToString();
while (count < maxvalue)
yield return FizzBuzz(count) ?? Buzz(count) ?? Fizz(count) ?? Number(count);