When you use BeautifulSoup to scrape a certain part of a website, you can use
and soup.findAll()
To summarise the comments:
soup.select("div[id=foo] > div > div > div[class=fee] > span > span > a")
would look pretty ugly using multiple chained find/find_all calls.find("a", href=re.compile(....))
but again that is personal preference.For performance we can run some tests, I modified the code from an answer here running on 800+ html files taken from here, is is not exhaustive but should give a clue to the readability of some of the options and the performance:
The modified functions are:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from glob import iglob
def parse_find(soup):
author = soup.find("h4", class_="h12 talk-link__speaker").text
title = soup.find("h4", class_="h9 m5").text
date = soup.find("span", class_="meta__val").text.strip()
soup.find("footer",class_="footer").find_previous("data", {
"class": "talk-transcript__para__time"}).text.split(":")
def parse_select(soup):
author = soup.select_one("h4.h12.talk-link__speaker").text
title = soup.select_one("h4.h9.m5").text
date = soup.select_one("span.meta__val").text.strip()
soup.select_one("footer.footer").find_previous("data", {
"class": "talk-transcript__para__time"}).text
def test(patt, func):
for html in iglob(patt):
with open(html) as f:
func(BeautifulSoup(f, "lxml")
Now for the timings:
In [7]: from testing import test, parse_find, parse_select
In [8]: timeit test("./talks/*.html",parse_find)
1 loops, best of 3: 51.9 s per loop
In [9]: timeit test("./talks/*.html",parse_select)
1 loops, best of 3: 32.7 s per loop
Like I said not exhaustive but I think we can safely say the css selectors are definitely more efficient.