Using Google Test 1.6 (Windows 7, Visual Studio C++). How can I turn off a given test? (aka how can I prevent a test from running). Is there anything I can do besides comm
I had the same need for conditional tests, and I figured out a good workaround. I defined a macro TEST_C that works like a TEST_F macro, but it has a third parameter, which is a boolean expression, evaluated runtime in main.cpp BEFORE the tests are started. Tests that evaluate false are not executed. The macro is ugly, but it look like:
#pragma once
extern std::map<std::string, std::function<bool()> >* m_conditionalTests;
#define TEST_C(test_fixture, test_name, test_condition)\
class test_fixture##_##test_name##_ConditionClass\
std::string name = std::string(#test_fixture) + "." + std::string(#test_name);\
if (m_conditionalTests==NULL) {\
m_conditionalTests = new std::map<std::string, std::function<bool()> >();\
m_conditionalTests->insert(std::make_pair(name, []()\
DeviceInfo device = Connection::Instance()->GetDeviceInfo();\
return test_condition;\
} test_fixture##_##test_name##_ConditionInstance;\
TEST_F(test_fixture, test_name)
Additionally, in your main.cpp, you need this loop to exclude the tests that evaluate false:
// identify tests that cannot run on this device
std::string excludeTests;
for (const auto& exclusion : *m_conditionalTests)
bool run = exclusion.second();
if (!run)
excludeTests += ":" + exclusion.first;
// add the exclusion list to gtest
std::string str = ::testing::GTEST_FLAG(filter);
::testing::GTEST_FLAG(filter) = str + ":-" + excludeTests;
// run all tests
int result = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
The docs for Google Test 1.7 suggest:
"If you have a broken test that you cannot fix right away, you can add the DISABLED_ prefix to its name. This will exclude it from execution."
// Tests that Foo does Abc.
TEST(FooTest, DISABLED_DoesAbc) { ... }
class DISABLED_BarTest : public ::testing::Test { ... };
// Tests that Bar does Xyz.
TEST_F(DISABLED_BarTest, DoesXyz) { ... }