I\'m sure there\'s a very easy explanation for this. What is the difference between this:
function barber($type){
echo \"You wanted a $type haircut, no
in your first example you're using function name which is a string. it might come from outside or be determined on the fly. that is, you don't know what function will need to be run at the moment of the code creation.
There is no benefits calling the function like that because I think it mainly used to call "user" function (like plugin) because editing core file is not good option. here are dirty example used by Wordpress
* my_plugin.php
function myLocation($content){
return str_replace('@', 'world', $content);
function myName($content){
return $content."Tasikmalaya";
add_filter('the_content', 'myLocation');
add_filter('the_content', 'myName');
* core.php
* read only
$content = "hello @ my name is ";
$listFunc = array();
// store user function to array (in my_plugin.php)
function add_filter($fName, $funct)
$listFunc[$fName]= $funct;
// execute list user defined function
function apply_filter($funct, $content)
global $listFunc;
foreach($listFunc as $key => $value)
if($key == $funct)
$content = call_user_func($listFunc[$key], $content);
return $content;
function the_content()
$content = apply_filter('the_content', $content);
echo $content;
the_content(); // hello world my name is Tasikmalaya
hello world my name is Tasikmalaya