There is a new autocomplete in Xcode. Probably might be useful because it checks not only beginning of names etc. But I found that very often it doesn\'t find a class name o
I have the impression that some 'parts' of autocompletion simply fail after a while. I use to restart the Mac to get it back working. But sometimes it fails quite soon again. Maybe the answer of @Alex Bykov combined with a restart will do the trick.
Anyway: auto-completion of Xcode always was crap. AppCode used to get it much better. Unfortunately not yet with swift.
It seems that clearing the checkbox "Enable type-over completions" in XCode -> Preferences -> Text Editing does the trick. At least in my case autocompletion fell back to a sort of old way, so it could autocomplete the class name that I had to type in manually before that.
it doesn't find a class name
As a work-around, you can try to press Command + Shift + K and Command + B Several times,it works temporarily.
just open Xcode derived data folder and delete the folder
then restart Xcode, now autocompletion works like a charm
I didn't run into this until I created a couple of new class files. Other classes worked fine, but autocomplete would NOT work for anything in the new files...
FIX (for me) - I had to add those files to ALL of my targets, including the unit test targets even though I wasn't using them yet.
Xcode 7.3.1
In Xcode > Preferences > Text Editing
uncheck Enable type-over completions
restart Xcode