How would you create an algorithm to solve the following puzzle, \"Mastermind\"?
Your opponent has chosen four different colours from a set of six (yellow, blue, gre
Here's a link to pure Python solver for Mastermind(tm): It has a simple version, a way to experiment with various guessing strategies, performance measurement, and an optional C accelerator.
The core of the recipe is short and sweet:
import random
from itertools import izip, imap
digits = 4
fmt = '%0' + str(digits) + 'd'
searchspace = tuple([tuple(map(int,fmt % i)) for i in range(0,10**digits)])
def compare(a, b, imap=imap, sum=sum, izip=izip, min=min):
count1 = [0] * 10
count2 = [0] * 10
strikes = 0
for dig1, dig2 in izip(a,b):
if dig1 == dig2:
strikes += 1
count1[dig1] += 1
count2[dig2] += 1
balls = sum(imap(min, count1, count2)) - strikes
return (strikes, balls)
def rungame(target, strategy, verbose=True, maxtries=15):
possibles = list(searchspace)
for i in xrange(maxtries):
g = strategy(i, possibles)
if verbose:
print "Out of %7d possibilities. I'll guess %r" % (len(possibles), g),
score = compare(g, target)
if verbose:
print ' ---> ', score
if score[0] == digits:
if verbose:
print "That's it. After %d tries, I won." % (i+1,)
possibles = [n for n in possibles if compare(g, n) == score]
return i+1
def strategy_allrand(i, possibles):
return random.choice(possibles)
if __name__ == '__main__':
hidden_code = random.choice(searchspace)
rungame(hidden_code, strategy_allrand)
Here is what the output looks like:
Out of 10000 possibilities. I'll guess (6, 4, 0, 9) ---> (1, 0)
Out of 1372 possibilities. I'll guess (7, 4, 5, 8) ---> (1, 1)
Out of 204 possibilities. I'll guess (1, 4, 2, 7) ---> (2, 1)
Out of 11 possibilities. I'll guess (1, 4, 7, 1) ---> (3, 0)
Out of 2 possibilities. I'll guess (1, 4, 7, 4) ---> (4, 0)
That's it. After 5 tries, I won.
My friend was considering relatively simple case - 8 colors, no repeats, no blanks.
With no repeats, there's no need for the max entropy consideration, all guesses have the same entropy and first or random guessing all work fine.
Here's the full code to solve that variant:
import random
import itertools
colors = ('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet', 'ultra')
def EvaluateCode(guess, secret_code):
key = []
for i in range(0, 4):
for j in range(0, 4):
if guess[i] == secret_code[j]:
key += ['black'] if i == j else ['white']
return key
# choose secret code
secret_code = random.sample(colors, 4)
print ('(shh - secret code is: ', secret_code, ')\n', sep='')
# create the full list of permutations
full_code_list = list(itertools.permutations(colors, 4))
N_guess = 0
while True:
N_guess += 1
print ('Attempt #', N_guess, '\n-----------', sep='')
# make a random guess
guess = random.choice(full_code_list)
print ('guess:', guess)
# evaluate the guess and get the key
key = EvaluateCode(guess, secret_code)
print ('key:', key)
if key == ['black', 'black', 'black', 'black']:
# remove codes from the code list that don't match the key
full_code_list2 = []
for i in range(0, len(full_code_list)):
if EvaluateCode(guess, full_code_list[i]) == key:
full_code_list2 += [full_code_list[i]]
full_code_list = full_code_list2
print ('N remaining: ', len(full_code_list), '\n', full_code_list, '\n', sep='')
print ('\nMATCH after', N_guess, 'guesses\n')
Have you seem Raymond Hettingers attempt? They certainly match up to some of your requirements.
I wonder how his solutions compares to yours.
There is a great site about MasterMind strategy here. The author starts off with very simple MasterMind problems (using numbers rather than letters, and ignoring order and repetition) and gradually builds up to a full MasterMind problem (using colours, which can be repeated, in any order, even with the possibility of errors in the clues).
The seven tutorials that are presented are as follows: