How could something equivalent to lock
in C# be implemented in JavaScript?
So, to explain what I\'m thinking a simple use case is:
User clicks
Lock is a questionable idea in JS which is intended to be threadless and not needing concurrency protection. You're looking to combine calls on deferred execution. The pattern I follow for this is the use of callbacks. Something like this:
var functionLock = false;
var functionCallbacks = [];
var lockingFunction = function (callback) {
if (functionLock) {
} else {
$.longRunning(function(response) {
var thisCallback = functionCallbacks.pop();
You can also implement this using DOM event listeners or a pubsub solution.
Here's a simple lock mechanism, implemented via closure
const createLock = () => {
let lockStatus = false
const release = () => {
lockStatus = false
const acuire = () => {
if (lockStatus == true)
return false
lockStatus = true
return true
return {
lockStatus: lockStatus,
acuire: acuire,
release: release,
lock = createLock() // create a lock
lock.acuire() // acuired a lock
if (lock.acuire()){
console.log("Was able to acuire");
} else {
console.log("Was not to acuire"); // This will execute
lock.release() // now the lock is released
console.log("Was able to acuire"); // This will execute
} else {
console.log("Was not to acuire");
lock.release() // Hey don't forget to release