I want to do the following and am kind of stuck on these for a few days:
I was trying to draw polylines (I have encoded polylines, but have
I have the same problem. We are developing an iphone app and an android app at the same time. I have 2500 + map overlays. No problem on iphone; a huge performance hit on android when calling populate() after adding all overlays. (Of course, my first try was to call populate() every time after adding an overlay; a typical mistake due to google's tutorial. Now I am calling populate() just once, after all 2500+ overlays have been added to the ItemizedOverlay.)
So the single populate() call takes over 40 seconds to complete on an htc hero device. I had to put in a busy indicator; no progress bar is possible because we cannot get any information about the progress of populate().
I tried another solution: not use ItemizedOverlay but add overlays by hand, subclassing Overlay. Result: indeed it is much faster to add all those overlays to the map; however, the map becomes unusable due to constant calling of the draw() method on each overlay. In my draw method, I tried to optimize as much as possible; I do not create a bitmap every time. My draw() method looks like this:
public void draw(android.graphics.Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
// our marker bitmap already includes shadow.
// centerPoint is the geopoint where we need to put the marker.
if (!shadow) {
Point point = new Point();
mapView.getProjection().toPixels(centerPoint, point);
canvas.drawBitmap(markerBitmap, point.x, point.y, null);
Here markerBitmap is precomputed. I don't know what else I could optimize. Is there some kind of populate() call required if we are not using ItemizedOverlay??? I could not find any good answers for that.
Right now I resort to caching the ItemizedOverlay once it has been created in a background thread. This way at least the user does not have to wait every time.
For your 4th question.... simply use the mapOverlays.clear(); method and all the previous markers will be vanished.
if(!mapOverlays.isEmpty()) {
Answers given below :
1) Here's a solution that I used :
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
private List<Overlay> mapOverlays;
private Projection projection;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
linearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.zoomview);
mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapview);
mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();
projection = mapView.getProjection();
mapOverlays.add(new MyOverlay());
protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
return false;
class MyOverlay extends Overlay{
public MyOverlay(){
public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapv, boolean shadow){
super.draw(canvas, mapv, shadow);
Paint mPaint = new Paint();
GeoPoint gP1 = new GeoPoint(19240000,-99120000);
GeoPoint gP2 = new GeoPoint(37423157, -122085008);
Point p1 = new Point();
Point p2 = new Point();
Path path = new Path();
Projection projection.toPixels(gP1, p1);
projection.toPixels(gP2, p2);
path.moveTo(p2.x, p2.y);
canvas.drawPath(path, mPaint);
courtesy: Drawing a line/path on Google Maps
2) Here's what worked for me :
GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint((int)(elem.getLat()*1000000), (int) (elem.getLon()*1000000));
OverlayItem overlayItem = new OverlayItem(geoPoint, elem.getName(), elem.getData());
mapOverlays.add(itemizedOverlay); //outside of for loop
and in MyOverlay:
public void addOverlay(OverlayItem overlay)
public void populateNow()
courtesy: stackoverflow.com unknown link
3) The best way is to use a timer class. A very detailed description of the timer class and how to use it is given at this link :
4) I used this code :
Hope these answers help atleast one other person. Thanks.
Multiple number of drawable objects can be added to a single Overlay which can then be added to the map. Hence, drawing x number of overlay's for x number of objects wouldnt be necessary unless the objects are of different types. Code snippet..
Here, CustomPinPoint
is my class which extends ItemizedOverlay<OverlayItem>
CustomPinPoint customPinPoint = new CustomPinPoint(drawable, Main.this);
OverlayItem tempOverLayItem = new OverlayItem(
touchedPoint, "PinPoint", "PintPoint 2"); //Point One
tempOverLayItem = new OverlayItem(new GeoPoint(
(int)(-27.34498 * 1E6), (int)(153.00724 * 1E6)), "PinPoint",
"PintPoint 2"); //Point Two
overlayList.add(customPinPoint); //Overlay added only once
For #2, I don't think you solved anything there. Your hard-to-read code is showing how to put markers on overlay and then, how to add that overlay to the map. That's exactly how I do it. I have map with around 300 hotels and it takes around 5 seconds for Android on my Nexus One to create markers. The whole thing is running inside thread and I guess I will have to do some sort of progress bar to let user know what's going on.
I am working on app that already exists on iPhone and it seems iPhone doesn't have any issues to almost instantaneously draw these 300+ markers. I'll have hard time to explain existence of progress bar to my bosses.
If anybody have idea how to optimize this process... I will be grateful.
Here is my code:
for (int m = 0; m < ArrList.size(); m++) {
tName = ArrList.get(m).get("name").toString();
tId = ArrList.get(m).get("id").toString();
tLat = ArrList.get(m).get("lat").toString();;
tLng = ArrList.get(m).get("lng").toString();;
try {
lat = Double.parseDouble(tLat);
lng = Double.parseDouble(tLng);
p1 = new GeoPoint(
(int) (lat * 1E6),
(int) (lng * 1E6));
OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(p1, tName, tId);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "NumberFormatException" + e);
I know I could save some time by avoiding this String > Double conversion, but I don't feel that would give me significant saving.. or it would?