Clicking in a textfield makes the keyboard appear. How do I hide it when the user presses the return key?
Try this,
[textField setDelegate: self];
Then, in textField delegate method
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Define this class and then set your text field to use the class and this automates the whole hiding keyboard when return is pressed automatically.
class TextFieldWithReturn: UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
self.delegate = self
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool
return true
Then all you need to do in the storyboard is set the fields to use the class:
In viewDidLoad
[yourTextField setDelegate:self];
Then, include the override of the delegate method:
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Set delegate of UITextField
in view controller, field.delegate = self
, and then:
extension ViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
// don't force `endEditing` if you want to be asked for resigning
// also return real flow value, not strict, like: true / false
return textField.endEditing(false)
If you want to hide the keyboard for a particular keyboard use
[self.view resignFirstResponder];
If you want to hide any keyboard from view use [self.view endEditing:true];
First make your file delegate for UITextField
@interface MYLoginViewController () <UITextFieldDelegate>
Then add this method to your code.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Also add self.textField.delegate = self;