Sure this is a very easy question to answer but is there an easy way to determine if any property of a knockout view model has changed?
I had the same problem, i needed to observe any change on the viewModel, in order to send the data back to the server, If anyone still intersted, i did some research and this is the best solution iv'e managed to assemble:
function GlobalObserver(viewModel, callback) {
var self = this;
viewModel.allChangesObserver = ko.computed(function() {
self.viewModelRaw = ko.mapping.toJS(viewModel);
viewModel.allChangesObserver.subscribe(function() {
self.dispose = function() {
if (viewModel.allChangesObserver)
delete viewModel.allChangesObserver;
in order to use this 'global observer':
function updateEntireViewModel() {
var rawViewModel = Ajax_GetItemEntity(); //fetch the json object..
//enter validation code here, to ensure entity is correct.
if (koGlobalObserver)
koGlobalObserver.dispose(); //If already observing the older ViewModel, stop doing that!
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(rawViewModel);
koGlobalObserver = new GlobalObserver(viewModel, Ajax_Submit);
ko.applyBindings(viewModel [ ,optional dom element]);
Note that the callback given (in this case 'Ajax_Submit') will be fired on ANY change that occurs on the view model, so i think it's really recommended to make some sort of delay mechanism to send the entity only when the user finished to edit the properties:
var _entitiesUpdateTimers = {};
function Ajax_Submit(entity) {
var key = entity.ID; //or whatever uniquely related to the current view model..
if (typeof _entitiesUpdateTimers[key] !== 'undefined')
_entitiesUpdateTimers[key] =
setTimeout(function() { SendEntityFunction(entity); }, 500);
I'm new to JavaScript and the knockout framework, (only yestarday i started to work with this wonderfull framework), so don't get mad at me if i did something wrong.. (-:
Hope this helps!
I like Brett Green's solution. As someone pointed out, the isDirty comparison doesn't work with Date objects. I solved it by extending the subscribe method like this:
observable.subscribe(function (newValue) {
observable.isDirty(newValue != observable.originalValue);
if (newValue instanceof Date) {
observable.isDirty(newValue.getTime() != observable.originalValue.getTime());
Consider a view model as follows
function myViewModel(){
var that = this;
that.Name = ko.observable();
that.OldState = ko.observable();
that.NewState = ko.observable();
that.dirtyCalcultions - ko.computed(function(){
// Code to execute when state of an observable changes.
After you Bind your Data you can store the state using ko.toJS(myViewModel) function.
You can declare a variable inside your view model as a computed observable like
that.dirtyCalculations = ko.computed(function () {});
This computed function will be entered when there is change to any of the other observables inside the view model.
Then you can compare the two view model states as:
that.dirtyCalculations = ko.computed(function () {
//Compare old state to new state
if(that.OldState().Name == that.NewState().Name()){
// View model states are same.
// View model states are different.
**Note: This computed observable function is also executed the first time when the view model is initialized. **
Hope this helps ! Cheers!!
You might use the plugin below for this:
The code for example will allow you to keep track of all changes within any viewModel:, { depth: -1 }, function(parents, child) {
alert('New value is: ' + child());
PS: As of now this will not work with subscribables nested within an array but a new version that supports it is on the way.
Update: The sample code was upgraded to work with v1.2b which adds support for array items and subscribable-in-subscribable properties.
You can subscribe to the properties that you want to monitor:
myViewModel.personName.subscribe(function(newValue) {
alert("The person's new name is " + newValue);
This will alert when personName changes.
Ok, so you want to know when anything changes in your model...
var viewModel = … // define your viewModel
var changeLog = new Array();
function catchChanges(property, value){
changeLog.push({property: property, value: value});
viewModel.isDirty = true;
function initialiseViewModel()
// loop through all the properties in the model
for (var property in viewModel) {
if (viewModel.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
// if they're observable
// subscribe to changes
viewModel[property].subscribe(function(value) {
catchChanges(property, value);
viewModel.isDirty = false;
function resetViewModel() {
changeLog = new Array();
viewModel.isDirty = false;
(haven't tested it - but you should get the idea)
I did this by taking a snapshot of the view model when the page loads, and then later comparing that snapshot to the current view model. I didn't care what properties changed, only if any changed.
Take a snapshot:
var originalViewModel = JSON.stringify(ko.toJS(viewModel));
Compare later:
if(originalViewModel != JSON.stringify(ko.toJS(viewModel))){
// Something has changed, but we don't know what