Being fairly new to JavaScript, I\'m unable to discern when to use each of these.
Can anyone help clarify this for me?
Without a regex, there is no practical difference between indexOf and search.
The below example gives a live demo:
function FromSearch() {
var str = document.getElementById("demo").innerText;
var n ="difference");
document.getElementById("Location").innerHTML = n;
function FromindexOf() {
var str = document.getElementById("demo").innerText;
var n = str.indexOf("difference");
document.getElementById("Location").innerHTML = n;
<p id="demo">Without a <a href=''>regex</a>, there is no practical difference between <a href=''>indexOf</a> and <a href=''>search</a>
<button onclick="FromSearch()">From search</button>
<button onclick="FromindexOf()">From indexOf</button>
<p>Location of difference in the above sentence is:</p>
<mark id="Location"></mark>
The search function (one description here) takes a regular expression, which allows you to match against more sophisticated patters, case-insensitive strings, etc., while indexOf (one description here) simply matches a literal string. However, indexOf also allows you to specify a beginning index.