How can I set the cookies in my PHP apps
as HttpOnly cookies
You can use this in a header file.
// setup session enviroment
This way all future session cookies will use httponly.
A more elegant solution since PHP >=7.0
session_start(['cookie_lifetime' => 43200,'cookie_secure' => true,'cookie_httponly' => true]);
session_start options
Explanation here from Ilia... 5.2 only though
httpOnly cookie flag support in PHP 5.2
As stated in that article, you can set the header yourself in previous versions of PHP
header("Set-Cookie: hidden=value; httpOnly");
, by default), see @richie's answerThe setcookie() and setrawcookie() functions, introduced the httponly
parameter, back in the dark ages of PHP 5.2.0, making this nice and easy. Simply set the 7th parameter to true, as per the syntax
Function syntax simplified for brevity
setcookie( $name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly )
setrawcookie( $name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly )
Enter NULL
for parameters you wish to remain as default.
You may also want to consider if you should be setting the secure
It is also possible using the older, lower-level header() function:
header( "Set-Cookie: name=value; httpOnly" );
You can specify it in the set cookie function see the php manual
setcookie('Foo','Bar',0,'/', '' , FALSE, TRUE);
Note that PHP session cookies don't use httponly
by default.
To do that:
$sess_name = session_name();
if (session_start()) {
setcookie($sess_name, session_id(), null, '/', null, null, true);
A couple of items of note here:
before session_start()