Is there a way to set cornerRadius
for only top-left and top-right corner of a UIView
I tried the following, but it end up not seeing the
Pay attention to the fact that if you have layout constraints attached to it, you must refresh this as follows in your UIView subclass:
override func layoutSubviews() {
roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft, .topRight], radius: 3.0)
If you don't do that it won't show up.
And to round corners, use the extension:
extension UIView {
func roundCorners(corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat) {
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: bounds, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius))
let mask = CAShapeLayer()
mask.path = path.cgPath
layer.mask = mask
Additional view controller case: Whether you can't or wouldn't want to subclass a view, you can still round a view. Do it from its view controller by overriding the viewWillLayoutSubviews()
function, as follows:
class MyVC: UIViewController {
/// The view to round the top-left and top-right hand corners
let theView: UIView = {
let v = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 200, height: 200))
v.backgroundColor = .red
return v
override func loadView() {
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
// Call the roundCorners() func right there.
theView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft, .topRight], radius: 30)
Here is a short method implemented like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
UIButton *openInMaps = [UIButton new];
[openInMaps setFrame:CGRectMake(15, 135, 114, 70)];
openInMaps = (UIButton *)[self roundCornersOnView:openInMaps onTopLeft:NO topRight:NO bottomLeft:YES bottomRight:NO radius:5.0];
- (UIView *)roundCornersOnView:(UIView *)view onTopLeft:(BOOL)tl topRight:(BOOL)tr bottomLeft:(BOOL)bl bottomRight:(BOOL)br radius:(float)radius {
if (tl || tr || bl || br) {
UIRectCorner corner = 0;
if (tl) {corner = corner | UIRectCornerTopLeft;}
if (tr) {corner = corner | UIRectCornerTopRight;}
if (bl) {corner = corner | UIRectCornerBottomLeft;}
if (br) {corner = corner | UIRectCornerBottomRight;}
UIView *roundedView = view;
UIBezierPath *maskPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:roundedView.bounds byRoundingCorners:corner cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(radius, radius)];
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.frame = roundedView.bounds;
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath;
roundedView.layer.mask = maskLayer;
return roundedView;
return view;
And finally… there is CACornerMask in iOS11!
With CACornerMask
it can be done pretty easy:
let view = UIView()
view.clipsToBounds = true
view.layer.cornerRadius = 10
view.layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMaxXMinYCorner, .layerMinXMinYCorner] // Top right corner, Top left corner respectively
A lovely extension to reuse Yunus Nedim Mehel solution
Swift 2.3
extension UIView {
func roundCornersWithLayerMask(cornerRadii: CGFloat, corners: UIRectCorner) {
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: bounds,
byRoundingCorners: corners,
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: cornerRadii, height: cornerRadii))
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = path.CGPath
layer.mask = maskLayer
} }
let view = UIView()
After change bit of code @apinho In swift 4.3 working fine
extension UIView {
func roundCornersWithLayerMask(cornerRadii: CGFloat, corners: UIRectCorner) {
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: bounds,
byRoundingCorners: corners,
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: cornerRadii, height: cornerRadii))
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = path.cgPath
layer.mask = maskLayer
To use this function for you view
YourViewName. roundCornersWithLayerMask(cornerRadii: 20,corners: [.topLeft,.topRight])
I am not sure why your solution did not work but the following code is working for me. Create a bezier mask and apply it to your view. In my code below I was rounding the bottom corners of the _backgroundView
with a radius of 3 pixels. self
is a custom UITableViewCell
UIBezierPath *maskPath = [UIBezierPath
byRoundingCorners:(UIRectCornerBottomLeft | UIRectCornerBottomRight)
cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(20, 20)
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.frame = self.bounds;
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath;
self.backgroundImageView.layer.mask = maskLayer;
Swift version with some improvements:
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect:viewToRound.bounds, byRoundingCorners:[.TopRight, .BottomLeft], cornerRadii: CGSizeMake(20, 20))
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = path.CGPath
viewToRound.layer.mask = maskLayer
Swift 3.0 version:
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect:viewToRound.bounds,
byRoundingCorners:[.topRight, .bottomLeft],
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 20, height: 20))
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = path.cgPath
viewToRound.layer.mask = maskLayer
Swift extension here