I have some big (more than 3 fields) objects that can and should be immutable. Every time I run into that case I tend to create constructor abominations with long parameter
Well, consider this on Scala 2.8:
case class Person(name: String,
married: Boolean = false,
espouse: Option[String] = None,
children: Set[String] = Set.empty) {
def marriedTo(whom: String) = this.copy(married = true, espouse = Some(whom))
def addChild(whom: String) = this.copy(children = children + whom)
scala> Person("Joseph").marriedTo("Mary").addChild("Jesus")
res1: Person = Person(Joseph,true,Some(Mary),Set(Jesus))
This does have its share of problems, of course. For instance, try making espouse
and Option[Person]
, and then getting two persons married to each other. I can't think of a way to solve that without resorting to either a private var
and/or a private
constructor plus a factory.
You could also make the immutable objects expose methods that look like mutators (like addSibling) but let them return a new instance. That's what the immutable Scala collections do.
The downside is that you might create more instances than necessary. It's also only applicable when there exist intermediate valid configurations (like some node without siblings which is ok in most cases) unless you don't want to deal with partially built objects.
For example a graph edge which has no destination yet isn't a valid graph edge.
In Scala 2.8, you could use named and default parameters as well as the copy
method on a case class. Here's some example code:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, children: List[Person] = List()) {
def addChild(p: Person) = copy(children = p :: this.children)
val parent = Person(name = "Bob", age = 55)
.addChild(Person("Lisa", 23))
.addChild(Person("Peter", 16))
Here are a couple of more options:
Make the implementation itself mutable, but separate the interfaces that it exposes to mutable and immutable. This is taken from the Swing library design.
public interface Foo {
X getX();
Y getY();
public interface MutableFoo extends Foo {
void setX(X x);
void setY(Y y);
public class FooImpl implements MutableFoo {...}
public SomeClassThatUsesFoo {
public Foo makeFoo(...) {
MutableFoo ret = new MutableFoo...
return ret; // As Foo, not MutableFoo
If your application contains a large but pre-defined set of immutable objects (e.g., configuration objects), you might consider using the Spring framework.
It helps to remember there are different kinds of immutability. For your case, I think "popsicle" immutability will work really well:
Popsicle immutability: is what I whimsically call a slight weakening of write-once immutability. One could imagine an object or a field which remained mutable for a little while during its initialization, and then got “frozen” forever. This kind of immutability is particularly useful for immutable objects which circularly reference each other, or immutable objects which have been serialized to disk and upon deserialization need to be “fluid” until the entire deserialization process is done, at which point all the objects may be frozen.
So you initialize your object, then set a "freeze" flag of some sort indicating that its no longer writable. Preferably, you'd hide the mutation behind a function so the function is still pure to clients consuming your API.
I use C#, and these are my approaches. Consider:
class Foo
// private fields only to be written inside a constructor
private readonly int i;
private readonly string s;
private readonly Bar b;
// public getter properties
public int I { get { return i; } }
// etc.
Option 1. Constructor with optional parameters
public Foo(int i = 0, string s = "bla", Bar b = null)
this.i = i;
this.s = s;
this.b = b;
Used as e.g. new Foo(5, b: new Bar(whatever))
. Not for Java or C# versions before 4.0. but still worth showing, as it's an example how not all solutions are language agnostic.
Option 2. Constructor taking a single parameter object
public Foo(FooParameters parameters)
this.i = parameters.I;
// etc.
class FooParameters
// public properties with automatically generated private backing fields
public int I { get; set; }
public string S { get; set; }
public Bar B { get; set; }
// All properties are public, so we don't need a full constructor.
// For convenience, you could include some commonly used initialization
// patterns as additional constructors.
public FooParameters() { }
Usage example:
FooParameters fp = new FooParameters();
fp.I = 5;
fp.S = "bla";
fp.B = new Bar();
Foo f = new Foo(fp);`
C# from 3.0 on makes this more elegant with object initializer syntax (semantically equivalent to the previous example):
FooParameters fp = new FooParameters { I = 5, S = "bla", B = new Bar() };
Foo f = new Foo(fp);
Option 3:
Redesign your class not to need such a huge number of parameters. You could split its repsonsibilities into multiple classes. Or pass parameters not to the constructor but only to specific methods, on demand. Not always viable, but when it is, it's worth doing.