How to get all groups that a user is a member of?

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攒了一身酷 2020-12-04 05:56

PowerShell\'s Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet returns members of a specific group. Is there a cmdlet or property to get all the groups that a particular user is a member of?

  • 2020-12-04 06:32


    Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | select name | export-CSV username.csv

    This pipes output of the command into a CSV file.

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  • 2020-12-04 06:34

    When you do not have privileges to consult other member groups but you do have the privilege to consult group members, you can do the following to build a map of which user has access to which groups.

    $groups = get-adgroup -Filter * | sort name | select Name
    $users = @{}
    foreach($group in $groups) {
        $groupUsers = @()
        $groupUsers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.Name | Select-Object SamAccountName
        $groupUsers | % {
                $users[$_.SamAccountName] = @()
            ($users[$_.SamAccountName]) += ($group.Name)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 06:34

    Almost all above solutions used the ActiveDirecotry module which might not be available by default in most cases.

    I used below method. A bit indirect, but served my purpose.

    List all available groups

    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Group

    And then list the groups the user belongs to


    Comparison can then be done via checking through the SIDs. This works for the logged in user. Please correct me if I am wrong. Completely new to PowerShell, but had to get this done for a work commitment.

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  • 2020-12-04 06:34

    Studying all comments presented gave me a starting point (thanks for such) but left me with several unresolved issues. As result here is my answer. The code snippet provided does a little more than what is asked for but it provides helpful debugging info.

    [array] $script:groupsdns = @()
    function Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipRecursive() 
      Param( [string] $dn, [int] $level = 0, [array] $groups = @() )
      #if(($groupsdns | where { $_.DistinguishedName -eq $dn }).Count -ne 0 ) { return $groups } # dependency on next statement
      #$groupsdns += (Get-ADObject $dn -Properties MemberOf) # Get-ADObject cannot find an object with identity
      if ($script:groupsdns.Contains($dn)) { return $groups }
      $script:groupsdns += $dn
      $mo = $Null
      $mo = Get-ADObject $dn -Properties MemberOf # Get-ADObject cannot find an object with identity
      $group = ($dn + " (" + $level.ToString())
      if ($mo -eq $Null) { $group += "!" }
      $group += ")"
      $groups += $group
      foreach( $groupdn in $mo.MemberOf )
        $groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipRecursive -dn $groupdn -level ($level+1) -groups $groups
      if ($level -le 0) 
        $primarygroupdn = (Get-ADUser -Identity $dn -Properties PrimaryGroup).PrimaryGroup 
        $groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipRecursive -dn $primarygroupdn -level ($level+1) -groups $groups
      return $groups
    $adusergroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipRecursive -dn $aduser.DistinguishedName
    $adusergroups | ft -AutoSize | `
                  Out-File -Width 512 Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipRecursive.txt #-Append #-Wrap # | Sort-Object -Property Name
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  • 2020-12-04 06:35

    I couldn't get the following to work for a particular user:

    Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username

    It threw an error that I was not willing to troubleshoot.

    I did however come up with a different solution using Get-ADUser. I like it a bit better because if you don't know the account name then you can get it based off of a wildcard on the user's actual name. Just fill in PartOfUsersName and away it goes.

    #Get the groups that list of users are the member of using a wildcard search
    [string]$UserNameLike = "*PartOfUsersName*" #Use * for wildcards here
    [array]$AccountNames = $(Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -like $UserNameLike}).SamAccountName
    ForEach ($AccountName In $AccountNames) {
    Write-Host "`nGETTING GROUPS FOR" $AccountName.ToUpper() ":"
    (Get-ADUser -Identity $AccountName -Properties MemberOf|select MemberOf).MemberOf|
        Get-ADGroup|select Name|sort name

    Huge props to schmeckendeugler and 8DH for getting me to this solution. +1 to both of you.

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  • 2020-12-04 06:35

    With user input and fancy output formatting:

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] 
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
    If ($UserName) { 
        $UserName = $UserName.ToUpper().Trim() 
        $Res = (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $UserName | Measure-Object).Count 
        If ($Res -GT 0) { 
            Write-Output "`n" 
            Write-Output "$UserName AD Group Membership:" 
            Write-Output "===========================================================" 
            Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $UserName | Select-Object -Property Name, GroupScope, GroupCategory | Sort-Object -Property Name | FT -A 
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