How (and whether) to populate rails application with initial data

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-04 05:43

I\'ve got a rails application where users have to log in. Therefore in order for the application to be usable, there must be one initial user in the system for the first pe

  • 2020-12-04 06:16

    This is my new favorite solution, using the populator and faker gems:

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  • 2020-12-04 06:20

    Some of the answers are outdated. Since Rails 2.3.4, there is a simple feature called Seed available in db/seed.rb :

    User.create( :name => 'default', :password => 'password' )
    Comment.create( :title => 'Title', :body => 'First post!' )

    It provides a new rake task that you can use after your migrations to load data :

    rake db:seed

    Seed.rb is a classic Ruby file, feel free to use any classic datastructure (array, hashes, etc.) and iterators to add your data :

    ["bryan", "bill", "tom"].each do |name|
      User.create(:name => name, :password => "password")

    If you want to add data with UTF-8 characters (very common in French, Spanish, German, etc.), don't forget to add at the beginning of the file :

    # ruby encoding: utf-8

    This Railscast is a good introduction :

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  • 2020-12-04 06:21

    Great blog post on this:

    I was using Jay's suggestions of a special set of fixtures, but quickly found myself creating data that wouldn't be possible using the models directly (unversioned entries when I was using acts_as_versioned)

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  • 2020-12-04 06:22

    That Rake task can be provided by the db-populate plugin:

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  • 2020-12-04 06:25

    Try a rake task. For example:

    1. Create the file /lib/tasks/bootstrap.rake
    2. In the file, add a task to create your default user:
        namespace :bootstrap do
          desc "Add the default user"
          task :default_user => :environment do
            User.create( :name => 'default', :password => 'password' )
          desc "Create the default comment"
          task :default_comment => :environment do
            Comment.create( :title => 'Title', :body => 'First post!' )
          desc "Run all bootstrapping tasks"
          task :all => [:default_user, :default_comment]
    1. Then, when you're setting up your app for the first time, you can do rake db:migrate OR rake db:schema:load, and then do rake bootstrap:all.
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  • 2020-12-04 06:26

    I guess the best option is number 3, mainly because that way there will be no default user which is a great way to render otherwise good security useless.

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