For Sun/Oracle\'s JVM, I\'ve read that the GC algo divides new generation into one Eden region and two survivor regions. What I\'m wondering about is, why two survivor regio
I believe JRockit's GC implementation works more like you suggest, with just a single eden and single survivor space, but don't quote me on that.
The reason for the HotSpot JVM's two survivor spaces is to reduce the need to deal with fragmentation. New objects are allocated in eden space. All well and good. When that's full, you need a GC, so kill stale objects and move live ones to a survivor space, where they can mature for a while before being promoted to the old generation. Still good so far. The next time we run out of eden space, though, we have a conundrum. The next GC comes along and clears out some space in both eden and our survivor space, but the spaces aren't contiguous. So is it better to
Sun's answer to the question is obvious.