Is there any way to specify a field delimiter for more spaces with the cut command? (like \" \"+) ? For example: In the following string, I like to reach value \'3744\', wha
I still like the way Perl handles fields with white space.
First field is $F[0].
$ ps axu | grep dbus | perl -lane 'print $F[4]'
I am going to nominate tr -s [:blank:]
as the best answer.
Why do we want to use cut? It has the magic command that says "we want the third field and every field after it, omitting the first two fields"
cat log | tr -s [:blank:] |cut -d' ' -f 3-
I do not believe there is an equivalent command for awk or perl split where we do not know how many fields there will be, ie out put the 3rd field through field X.
version is probably the best way to go, but you can also use cut
if you firstly squeeze the repeats with tr
ps axu | grep jbos[s] | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f5
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# | | |
# | | get 5th field
# | |
# | squeeze spaces
# |
# avoid grep itself to appear in the list
If you want to pick columns from a ps output, any reason to not use -o?
ps ax -o pid,vsz
ps ax -o pid,cmd
Minimum column width allocated, no padding, only single space field separator.
ps ax --no-headers -o pid:1,vsz:1,cmd
3443 24600 -bash
8419 0 [xfsalloc]
8420 0 [xfs_mru_cache]
8602 489316 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
12821 497240 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
12824 497132 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
Pid and vsz given 10 char width, 1 space field separator.
ps ax --no-headers -o pid:10,vsz:10,cmd
3443 24600 -bash
8419 0 [xfsalloc]
8420 0 [xfs_mru_cache]
8602 489316 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
12821 497240 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
12824 497132 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
Used in a script:-
echo "PID: ${oldpid}"
echo "Command: $(ps -ho cmd ${oldpid})"
Another way if you must use cut command
ps axu | grep [j]boss |awk '$1=$1'|cut -d' ' -f5
In Solaris, replace awk with nawk
or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk
I like to use the tr -s command for this
ps aux | tr -s [:blank:] | cut -d' ' -f3
This squeezes all white spaces down to 1 space. This way telling cut to use a space as a delimiter is honored as expected.