I work in several groups, each of which has its own tab/indentation/spacing standards in C.
Is there a way to have separate selectable VIM configurations for each so
I created an open-sourced tool for just this purpose. Forget the headers, scanning, configurations, and local vimrc files.
Try swim.
is a quick tool for switching vimrc files and creating convenient aliases. Here's a short usage list. See the Github repo for a walkthrough gif and download instructions:
swim add ~/dotfiles/myVimrc favorite #Add new swim alias
swim ls #Show available swim aliases
swim add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dawsonbotsford/swim/master/exampleVimrcs/vimrcWikia.vim example
swim with favorite #Set alias favorite as primary .vimrc
swim with main #Set alias main as primary .vimrc
There are a few ways to do this, of which most have been suggested, but I thought I'd summarise them with two extra ones:
and you have ~/project1/.vim.custom
and do cd ~ ; vim project1/file.c
, the custom settings won't be found.In a lot of organisations, there's a standard header (with a copyright notice and project name etc) at the top of every source file. If this is the case, you can get Vim to automatically scan the first (e.g.) 10 lines of the file looking for a keyword. If it finds it, it can change your settings. I've modified this to make it simpler than the form I use (which does lots of other things), but create a ~/.vim/after/filetype.vim
(if you don't have one yet) and add something like this:
au FileType * call <SID>ConfigureFiletypes(expand("<amatch>"))
" List of file types to customise
let s:GROUPNAMETypes = ['c', 'cpp', 'vhdl', 'c.doxygen']
func! <SID>CheckForGROUPNAMECode()
" Check if any of the first ten lines contain "GROUPNAME".
" Read the first ten lines into a variable
let header = getline(1)
for i in range(2, 10)
let header = header . getline(i)
if header =~ '\<GROUPNAME\>'
" Change the status line to make it clear which
" group we're using
setlocal statusline=%<%f\ (GROUPNAME)\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
" Do other customisation here
setlocal et
" etc
func! <SID>ConfigureFiletypes(filetype)
if index(s:GROUPNAMETypes, a:filetype) != -1
call <SID>CheckForGROUPNAMECode()
Whenever a file of any type is opened and the file type is set (the au FileType *
line), the ConfigureFiletypes
function is called. This checks whether the file type is in the list of file types associated with the current group (GROUPNAME), in this case 'c', 'cpp', 'vhdl' or 'c.doxygen'. If it is, it calls CheckForGROUPNAMECode(), which reads the first 10 lines of the file and if they contain GROUPNAME, it does some customisation. As well as setting expandtabs or whatever, this also changes the status bar to show the group name clearly so you know it's worked at a glance.
Much like JS Bangs' suggestion, having a custom configuration file can be useful. However, instead of loading it in vimrc, consider something like this, which will check when a .c file is opened for a .vim.custom in the same directory as the .c file.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.c call CheckForCustomConfiguration()
function! CheckForCustomConfiguration()
" Check for .vim.custom in the directory containing the newly opened file
let custom_config_file = expand('%:p:h') . '/.vim.custom'
if filereadable(custom_config_file)
exe 'source' custom_config_file
I have this in $HOME/.vimrc
if filereadable(".vim.custom")
so .vim.custom
This allows me to put a .vim.custom
file in every directory to load commands and options specific to that directory. If you're working on multiple projects that have deep directory structures you might need something more sophisticated (e.g. walk up the directory tree until a .vim.custom
is found), but the same basic idea will work.
I now do something like this in order to read a .vim
file from the same directory as the file I'm editing, regardless of what the current directory is.
let b:thisdir=expand("%:p:h")
let b:vim=b:thisdir."/.vim"
if (filereadable(b:vim))
execute "source ".b:vim
As mentioned by sledge the usage of that plug-in is the best option I have seen and use. jerseyboy commented that the utility recommended ask for confirmation before loading (ie. after opening every file). To avoid this just set at your main .vimrc
the list of local .lvimrc
let g:localvimrc_whitelist='/development/kernel/.lvimrc'
Assuming your fellow developers won't complain about it, you can always add vim settings to each file in the comments.
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:...
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Here's a variation on jamessan's
function! ConditionalLoad()
let cwd = getcwd()
if getcwd() =~ $HOME . "/src/mobile"
so $HOME/.vim.mobile
autocmd VimEnter * call ConditionalLoad()
I will frequently launch vi without a specific file that I'm jumping to so this enables loading config conditionally based on the current working directory. Downside is that the config isn't applied based on file but off of working directory.