I'm not sure if this can be done out-of-the-box, but in webapps I find it useful to have a "who am I?" facility in the various view files.
The idea is to emit a message into the rendered HTML, to identify the fragment. This is especially true when I am encountering an app for the first time.
In Grails, I do this with a custom tag. For example, consider list.gsp for a Student:
<g:debug msg="student list" />
Here is the code:
class MiscTagLib {
def debug = { map ->
if (grailsApplication.config.grails.views.debug.mode == true) {
def msg = map['msg']
out << "<h2>${msg}</h2><br/>"
The key is that you can leave those tags in there, if desired, as they only appear in when the mode is enabled in Config.groovy: