Is there a way to embed the last command\'s elapsed wall time in a Bash prompt? I\'m hoping for something that would look like this:
[last: 0s][/my/dir]$ sl
A version with split hours, minutes and seconds inspired by the zsh spaceship prompt, based on Ville's answer and this time conversion function by perreal.
I also added a threshold variable so that the timer only displays for long running commands.
function convert_secs {
if [ $h -gt 0 ]; then printf "${h}h "; fi
if [ $h -gt 0 ] || [ $m -gt 0 ]; then printf "${m}m "; fi
if [ $s -gt 0 ]; then printf "${s}s "; fi
function timer_start {
function timer_stop {
timer_time=$(($SECONDS - $timer))
if [ ! -z $timer_time ] && [ $timer_time -ge ${time_threshold} ]; then
timer_show="took $(convert_secs $timer_time)"
unset timer
trap 'timer_start' DEBUG
PS1='\n\w ${timer_show}\n\\$ '
For the coloured output in my screenshot:
bold=$(tput bold)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
PS1='\n${bold}${cyan}\w ${yellow}${timer_show}${reset}\n\\$ '
Another very minimal approach is:
export PS1='your_normal_prompt_here ($SECONDS) # '
This shows the number of seconds since the last simple command was started. The counter is not reset if you simply hit Enter without entering a command -- which can be handy when you just want to see how long the terminal has been up since you last did anything in it. It works fine for me in Red Hat and Ubuntu. It did NOT work for me under Cygwin, but I'm not sure if that's a bug or just a limitation of trying to run Bash under Windows.
One possible drawback to this approach is that you keep resetting SECONDS, but if you truly need to preserve SECONDS as the number of seconds since initial shell invocation, you can create your own variable for the PS1 counter instead of using SECONDS directly. Another possible drawback is that a large seconds value such as "999999" might be be better displayed as days+hours+minutes+seconds, but it's easy to add a simple filter such as:
seconds2days() { # convert integer seconds to Ddays,HH:MM:SS
printf "%ddays,%02d:%02d:%02d" $(((($1/60)/60)/24)) \
$(((($1/60)/60)%24)) $((($1/60)%60)) $(($1%60)) |
sed 's/^1days/1day/;s/^0days,\(00:\)*//;s/^0//' ; }
PS1='other_prompt_stuff_here ($(seconds2days $SECONDS)) # '
This translates "999999" into "11days,13:46:39". The sed at the end changes "1days" to "1day", and trims off empty leading values such as "0days,00:". Adjust to taste.
Using your replies and some other threads, I wrote this prompt which I want to share with you. I took a screenshot in wich you can see :
Here is the code to put in your ~/.bashrc file :
function timer_now {
date +%s%N
function timer_start {
function timer_stop {
local delta_us=$((($(timer_now) - $timer_start) / 1000))
local us=$((delta_us % 1000))
local ms=$(((delta_us / 1000) % 1000))
local s=$(((delta_us / 1000000) % 60))
local m=$(((delta_us / 60000000) % 60))
local h=$((delta_us / 3600000000))
# Goal: always show around 3 digits of accuracy
if ((h > 0)); then timer_show=${h}h${m}m
elif ((m > 0)); then timer_show=${m}m${s}s
elif ((s >= 10)); then timer_show=${s}.$((ms / 100))s
elif ((s > 0)); then timer_show=${s}.$(printf %03d $ms)s
elif ((ms >= 100)); then timer_show=${ms}ms
elif ((ms > 0)); then timer_show=${ms}.$((us / 100))ms
else timer_show=${us}us
unset timer_start
set_prompt () {
Last_Command=$? # Must come first!
# Add a bright white exit status for the last command
PS1="$White\$? "
# If it was successful, print a green check mark. Otherwise, print
# a red X.
if [[ $Last_Command == 0 ]]; then
PS1+="$Green$Checkmark "
PS1+="$Red$FancyX "
# Add the ellapsed time and current date
PS1+="($timer_show) \t "
# If root, just print the host in red. Otherwise, print the current user
# and host in green.
if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then
PS1+="$Red\\u$Green@\\h "
PS1+="$Green\\u@\\h "
# Print the working directory and prompt marker in blue, and reset
# the text color to the default.
PS1+="$Blue\\w \\\$$Reset "
trap 'timer_start' DEBUG
I took the answer from Ville Laurikari and improved it using the time
command to show sub-second accuracy:
function timer_now {
date +%s%N
function timer_start {
function timer_stop {
local delta_us=$((($(timer_now) - $timer_start) / 1000))
local us=$((delta_us % 1000))
local ms=$(((delta_us / 1000) % 1000))
local s=$(((delta_us / 1000000) % 60))
local m=$(((delta_us / 60000000) % 60))
local h=$((delta_us / 3600000000))
# Goal: always show around 3 digits of accuracy
if ((h > 0)); then timer_show=${h}h${m}m
elif ((m > 0)); then timer_show=${m}m${s}s
elif ((s >= 10)); then timer_show=${s}.$((ms / 100))s
elif ((s > 0)); then timer_show=${s}.$(printf %03d $ms)s
elif ((ms >= 100)); then timer_show=${ms}ms
elif ((ms > 0)); then timer_show=${ms}.$((us / 100))ms
else timer_show=${us}us
unset timer_start
trap 'timer_start' DEBUG
PS1='[last: ${timer_show}][\w]$ '
Of course this requires a process to be started, so it's less efficient, but still fast enough that you wouldn't notice.
I found that trap ... DEBUG
was running every time $PROMPT_COMMAND
was called, resetting the timer, and therefore always returning 0.
However, I found that history
records times, and I tapped into these to get my answer:
START=\$(history 1 | cut -f5 -d' ');
NOW=\$(date +%s);
It's not perfect though:
doesn't register the command (e.g. repeated or ignored commands), the start time will be wrong.history
.Here's my take on Thomas'
uses date +%s%3N
to get milliseconds as base unit,
simplified following code (less zeros)
function t_now {
date +%s%3N
function t_start {
function t_stop {
local d_ms=$(($(t_now) - $t_start))
local d_s=$((d_ms / 1000))
local ms=$((d_ms % 1000))
local s=$((d_s % 60))
local m=$(((d_s / 60) % 60))
local h=$((d_s / 3600))
if ((h > 0)); then t_show=${h}h${m}m
elif ((m > 0)); then t_show=${m}m${s}s
elif ((s >= 10)); then t_show=${s}.$((ms / 100))s
elif ((s > 0)); then t_show=${s}.$((ms / 10))s
else t_show=${ms}ms
unset t_start
set_prompt () {
trap 't_start' DEBUG
Then add $t_show
to your PS1