My eclipse stops loading workbench. I tried already starting with ./eclipse --clean
When starting from console it throws following exception:
It might also help to try to load and save the workspace with a newer eclipse version:
I am using eclipse 3.8. When starting up the splash screen would hang. There were no error messages in the log. What helped was to open the workspace with eclipse 4.2.2. After opening and closing the workspace I was able to load it again with 3.8.
no need to delete the entire metadata. just try deleting the .snap file under org.eclipse.core.resources in your workspace folder ex.
I didn't try all these. I restarted by laptop/machine . And everything was back to normal after that.
I solved deleting *.snap from the workspace dir (and all subdirectories):
Pretty old question but the most simple answer isn't yet posted.
Here it is :
1) In [workspace]\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench
delete workbench.xmi
In most cases it's enough - try to load Eclipse.
Still you have to re-configure your specific perspective settings (if any)
2) Now getting problems with building projects that worked perfectly? As of my experience following steps help:
- uncheck Projects->Build automatically
- switch to Java perspective (if not yet): Window -> Open perspective -> Java
- locate Problems view or open it: Window -> Show view -> Problems
- right-click on problem groups and select Delete. Be sure to delete Lint errors
- clean the workspace: Project -> Clean... with option Clean all projects
- check Projects->Build automatically
- if problems persist for some projects: right-click project, select Properties -> Android and make sure appropriate Project Build Target is chosen
3) It was always sufficient for me. But if you still get problems - try @george post recommendations
In your workspace you will find hidden folder name .metadata in which you will find another hidden folder ".mylyn" delete it and empty your trash go to task manager stop the process of Eclipse and start again Eclipse this time it will work.