My eclipse stops loading workbench. I tried already starting with ./eclipse --clean
When starting from console it throws following exception:
You have to delete org.eclipse.e4.workbench folder inside metadata.plugins\ which you can find in your workspace folder. Deleting this folder solved the problem for me, hope it helps someone else!
deleting workspace/.metadata/.lock and starting eclipse with -clean -refresh worked for me.
None of the solution helped me for my case.
I found the working solution though. I read that this happens when ADT plugin is not updated properly in Eclipse.
From Eclipse. . .
1. Go to Help Tap
2. Click Check for Updates
Update everything and whoa! No longer freezing at starting Eclipse!
I had this problem in Windows 7, this is what fixed it for me.
cd ~/Documents/workspace/.metalog/.plugins
rm -rf org.eclipse.core.resources
Get a backup copy of the .metadata/.plugin/org.eclipse.core.resources folder, then delete that folder and launch eclipse. That should launch the workspace, but all projects will be gone as org.eclipse.core.resources keeps a list of all projects.
Next, close eclipse properly and copy back org.eclipse.core.resources from back up to .metadata/.plugins/ folder overriding the existing one.
Open eclipse and things should work fine with all your projects back to normal.
There are many possible reasons for this sort of behaviour. In addition to running from a shell prompt as you have, it's worth looking for clues in your workspace log file, which is the file .metadata/.log under your workspace directory—the NPE that's coming up for you looks like it could have to do with the logging code itself, but the log may still help determine what was going on before the error.
Web searches for messages you find often yield suggestions for deleting various directories or files and starting again. I've sometimes been able to just remove parts of .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml, though, for less destructive solutions.