I use Sublime Text 2 but it won\'t let me enter any value when my code asks for user input. (In other words: input()
in Python and gets
in Ruby fai
Since, Sublime not directly support for input console. So, it is easy to get input in Sublime with following extra steps:
Note: This works fine for sublimeText3 (windows )
Sublime text doesn't support that. But you can get around it (at least in python) by using SublimeREPL, I use this for everything, it works pretty great. Its a little cooky though, as the tab is still editable like a normal sublime tab (which is good and bad)...
It also allows you to run the interpreter in multiple tabs, its basically awesome.
To install it you need package control
this lets you easily install plugins. To get it go here, and follow the instructions. Once thats done:
for 'goto anything').SublimeREPL
. It will install it automatically.Tools>sublimerepl>python
from the menus.To make the default build system SublimeREPL, you can follow these instructions.