I\'m trying to make an \"executable\" war file (java -jar myWarFile.war
) that will start up a Jetty webserver that hosts the webapp contained in the WAR file I
I have done a similar thing before but are you launchign the app as "java -jar xxx.war" ?. You have only 2 jars and it is not going to be enough I think. Also try using Jetty 7.0.0M1 (which is the latest version). When I added jetty-server and jetty-webapp as two dependencies (they are from org.eclipse.jetty) I get the following jar's in the lib directory. FYI the org.mortbay.jetty.Handler was in the jetty-server*.jar.
doesn't help the JVM find the Jetty files to even begin launching your .war. It's "too late" to put them there.So what to do?
This is my example ANT extract. The idea is to unpackage the Jetty dependencies and then include them locally just like a normal JAR file:
<!-- Hack: Java doesn't support jars within jars/wars -->
<unjar src="${lib.dir}/container/jetty.jar" dest="${build.dir}/unjar"/>
<unjar src="${lib.dir}/container/jetty-util.jar" dest="${build.dir}/unjar"/>
<unjar src="${lib.dir}/container/servlet-api.jar" dest="${build.dir}/unjar"/>
<unjar src="${lib.dir}/container/jsp-api.jar" dest="${build.dir}/unjar"/>
<!-- Build war file as normal, just including the compiled and unjar'ed files -->
<war destfile="${war.file}" webxml="${config.dir}/web.xml">
<fileset dir="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<fileset dir="${build.dir}/unjar"/>
<fileset dir="${resources.dir}" excludes="*.swp"/>
<lib dir="${lib.dir}/runtime"/>
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="Start"/>
The WEB-INF/lib direcory is for the web applications dependencies. In this case we're packaging the WAR file so that it works like the normal Jetty JAR file on startup
We have figured this out by using jetty-console-maven-plugin.
Whenever you run mvn package it creates another war that can be used with java -jar whateverpackage-runnable.war
It also generates the init.d scripts and everything for you!
Even though this is kind of old another alternative with Jetty 8 is to simply include the Jetty jars as dependencies in your pom and add the following in your pom (versus an ant script that unpackages the war and repackages it):
<!-- The main class needs to be in the root of the war in order to be
runnable -->
<move todir="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}">
<fileset dir="${project.build.directory}/classes/">
<include name="JettyStandaloneMain.class" />
This is an adaptation for Maven of @RobHruska's answer. It just copies the files of the main class and merges the Jetty JAR files into the WAR file, nothing new, just to simplify your life if you are new -like me- to Maven:
<copy todir="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}">
<fileset dir="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}/WEB-INF/classes/">
<include name="main/*.class" />
<unjar dest="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}">
<!-- you'll have to locate these jars or appropriate versions; note that these include JSP support -->
<!-- you might find some of them in the downloaded Jetty .tgz -->
<fileset dir="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}/WEB-INF/lib/">
<include name="ant-1.6.5.jar"/>
<!--<include name="core-3.1.1.jar"/>-->
<include name="jetty*"/>
<include name="servlet-api*"/>
<patternset><!-- to exclude some of the stuff we don't really need -->
<exclude name="META-INF/**/*"/>
<exclude name="images/**/*"/>
<exclude name=".options"/>
<exclude name="about.html"/>
<exclude name="jdtCompilerAdapter.jar"/>
<exclude name="plugin*"/>