For me, on a mac, it turned out I had an old VirtualBox image stored on my machine that didn't have metadata, so it wasn't being updated to the latest version.
That old image had an older version of the vbguest plugin installed in it, which the newer vbguest plugin on my machine couldn't work with.
So to fix it, I just removed the image that my Vagrant was based on, and then Vagrant downloaded the newer version and it worked fine.
# Remove an old version of the virtual box image that my vagrant was using
$ vagrant box remove centos/7
You can find out which boxes you have cached on your machine by running:
$ vagrant box list
I had also upgraded my vbguest plugin in my earlier attempts at getting this to work, using the following process, but I don't think this helped. FYI !
# Get rid of old plugins
vagrant plugin expunge
# Globally install the latest version of the vbguest plugin`
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
If you find bring the box fails on guest addtions, you can try doing the following to ensure the plugins install correctly. This downloads the latest based image for your system (for me CentOS), and may resolve the issue (it did for me!)
$ vagrant box update