I am confused about a few points:
What is the difference between a stored procedure and a view?
When should I use stored procedures, and whe
Mahesh is not quite correct when he suggests that you can't alter the data in a view. So with patrick's view
CREATE View vw_user_profile AS
Select A.user_id, B.profile_description
FROM tbl_user A left join tbl_profile B on A.user_id = b.user_id
I CAN update the data ... as an example I can do either of these ...
Update vw_user_profile Set profile_description='Manager' where user_id=4
Update tbl_profile Set profile_description='Manager' where user_id=4
You can't INSERT to this view as not all of the fields in all of the table are present and I'm assuming that PROFILE_ID is the primary key and can't be NULL. However you can sometimes INSERT into a view ...
I created a view on an existing table using ...
Create View Junk as SELECT * from [TableName]
Insert into junk (Code,name) values
('glyn','Glyn Roberts'),
('Mary','Maryann Roberts')
DELETE from Junk Where ID>4
Both the INSERT and the DELETE worked in this case
Obviously you can't update any fields which are aggregated or calculated but any view which is just a straight view should be updateable.
If the view contains more than one table then you can't insert or delete but if the view is a subset of one table only then you usually can.
In addition to the above comments, I would like to add few points about Views.
Main difference is that when you are querying a view then it's definition is pasted into your query. Procedure could also give results of query, but it is compiled and for so faster. Another option are indexed views..
First you need to understand, that both are different things. Stored Procedures
are best used for INSERT-UPDATE-DELETE
statements. Whereas Views
are used for SELECT
statements. You should use both of them.
In views you cannot alter the data. Some databases have updatable Views where you can use INSERT-UPDATE-DELETE
on Views
Plenty of info available here
Here is a good summary:
A Stored Procedure:
A View:
@Patrick is correct with what he said, but to answer your other questions a View will create itself in Memory, and depending on the type of Joins, Data and if there is any aggregation done, it could be a quite memory hungry View.
Stored procedures do all their processing either using Temp Hash Table e.g #tmpTable1 or in memory using @tmpTable1. Depending on what you want to tell it to do.
A Stored Procedure is like a Function, but is called Directly by its name. instead of Functions which are actually used inside a query itself.
Obviously most of the time Memory tables are faster, if you are not retrieveing alot of data.