Multiple heroku accounts

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-04 05:01

I\'m having trouble when working with multiple Heroku accounts on my computer.

The thing is that it\'s worked great before by switching accounts with the heroku gem.

  • 2020-12-04 05:40

    i am using win7

    1) create another user account in win7 and log into it

    2) open git bash and log into your new heroku account

    3) create and upload new RSA key (instruction here :

    4) then do what ever you want (create new app, push file to it .....)

    5) every time you need to work with your original heroku account just log into your original win user account and work with heroku

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  • 2020-12-04 05:41

    The Heroku plugin has been deprecated. Heroku now maintains its own at Unfortunately it doesn't seem to store project-by-project which account it should be using so you need to run

    $ heroku accounts:set account_name

    each time you want to use the Heroku command-line tool.

    Quick solution for people with access to the bash shell: make a local bin directory (it's already there in Rails applications) and create bin/heroku there. Contents:

    /usr/bin/heroku accounts:set account_name
    /usr/bin/heroku $*

    (replace "project_name" as appropriate) Then run

    $ chmod +x bin/heroku

    You can then run

    $ bin/heroku run console

    and it will automatically use the right Heroku account for you. Better still is to add ./bin to your path so you're back to just running:

    $ heroku run console

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