In programming languages like C and C++, people often refer to static and dynamic memory allocation. I understand the concept but the phrase \"All memory was allocated (rese
You are right. Memory is actually allocated (paged) at load time, i.e. when the executable file is brought into (virtual) memory. Memory can also be initialized on that moment. The compiler just creates a memory map. [By the way, stack and heap spaces are also allocated at load time !]
Memory allocated at compile-time means the compiler resolves at compile-time where certain things will be allocated inside the process memory map.
For example, consider a global array:
int array[100];
The compiler knows at compile-time the size of the array and the size of an int
, so it knows the entire size of the array at compile-time. Also a global variable has static storage duration by default: it is allocated in the static memory area of the process memory space (.data/.bss section). Given that information, the compiler decides during compilation in what address of that static memory area the array will be.
Of course that memory addresses are virtual addresses. The program assumes that it has its own entire memory space (From 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF for example). That's why the compiler could do assumptions like "Okay, the array will be at address 0x00A33211". At runtime that addresses are translated to real/hardware addresses by the MMU and OS.
Value initialized static storage things are a bit different. For example:
int array[] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
In our first example, the compiler only decided where the array will be allocated, storing that information in the executable.
In the case of value-initialized things, the compiler also injects the initial value of the array into the executable, and adds code which tells the program loader that after the array allocation at program start, the array should be filled with these values.
Here are two examples of the assembly generated by the compiler (GCC4.8.1 with x86 target):
C++ code:
int a[4];
int b[] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 };
int main()
Output assembly:
.zero 16
.long 1
.long 2
.long 3
.long 4
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
movl $0, %eax
popq %rbp
As you can see, the values are directly injected into the assembly. In the array a
, the compiler generates a zero initialization of 16 bytes, because the Standard says that static stored things should be initialized to zero by default:
8.5.9 (Initializers) [Note]:
Every object of static storage duration is zero-initialized at program startup before any other initial- ization takes place. In some cases, additional initialization is done later.
I always suggest people to disassembly their code to see what the compiler really does with the C++ code. This applies from storage classes/duration (like this question) to advanced compiler optimizations. You could instruct your compiler to generate the assembly, but there are wonderful tools to do this on the Internet in a friendly manner. My favourite is GCC Explorer.
I would like to explain these concepts with the help of few diagrams.
This is true that memory cannot be allocated at compile time, for sure. But, then what happens in fact at compile time.
Here comes the explanation. Say, for example a program has four variables x,y,z and k. Now, at compile time it simply makes a memory map, where the location of these variables with respect to each other is ascertained. This diagram will illustrate it better.
Now imagine, no program is running in memory. This I show by a big empty rectangle.
Next, the first instance of this program is executed. You can visualize it as follows. This is the time when actually memory is allocated.
When second instance of this program is running, the memory would look like as follows.
And the third ..
So on and so forth.
I hope this visualization explains this concept well.
An executable describes what space to allocate for static variables. This allocation is done by the system, when you run the executable. So your 1kB static variable won't increase the size of the executable with 1kB:
static char[1024];
Unless of course you specify an initializer:
static char[1024] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, ... };
So, in addition to 'machine language' (i.e. CPU instructions), an executable contains a description of the required memory layout.
On many platforms, all of the global or static allocations within each module will be consolidated by the compiler into three or fewer consolidated allocations (one for uninitialized data (often called "bss"), one for initialized writable data (often called "data"), and one for constant data ("const")), and all of the global or static allocations of each type within a program will be consolidated by the linker into one global for each type. For example, assuming int
is four bytes, a module has the following as its only static allocations:
int a;
const int b[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
char c[200];
const int d = 23;
int e[4] = {1,2,3,4};
int f;
it would tell the linker that it needed 208 bytes for bss, 16 bytes for "data", and 28 bytes for "const". Further, any reference to a variable would be replaced with an area selector and offset, so a, b, c, d, and e, would be replaced by bss+0, const+0, bss+4, const+24, data+0, or bss+204, respectively.
When a program is linked, all of the bss areas from all the modules are be concatenated together; likewise the data and const areas. For each module, the address of any bss-relative variables will be increased by the size of all preceding modules' bss areas (again, likewise with data and const). Thus, when the linker is done, any program will have one bss allocation, one data allocation, and one const allocation.
When a program is loaded, one of four things will generally happen depending upon the platform:
The executable will indicate how many bytes it needs for each kind of data and--for the initialized data area, where the initial contents may be found. It will also include a list of all the instructions which use a bss-, data-, or const- relative address. The operating system or loader will allocate the appropriate amount of space for each area and then add the starting address of that area to each instruction which needs it.
The operating system will allocate a chunk of memory to hold all three kinds of data, and give the application a pointer to that chunk of memory. Any code which uses static or global data will dereference it relative to that pointer (in many cases, the pointer will be stored in a register for the lifetime of an application).
The operating system will initially not allocate any memory to the application, except for what holds its binary code, but the first thing the application does will be to request a suitable allocation from the operating system, which it will forevermore keep in a register.
The operating system will initially not allocate space for the application, but the application will request a suitable allocation on startup (as above). The application will include a list of instructions with addresses that need to be updated to reflect where memory was allocated (as with the first style), but rather than having the application patched by the OS loader, the application will include enough code to patch itself.
All four approaches have advantages and disadvantages. In every case, however, the compiler will consolidate an arbitrary number of static variables into a fixed small number of memory requests, and the linker will consolidate all of those into a small number of consolidated allocations. Even though an application will have to receive a chunk of memory from the operating system or loader, it is the compiler and linker which are responsible for allocating individual pieces out of that big chunk to all the individual variables that need it.
There is very nice explanation given in the accepted answer. Just in case i will post the link which i have found useful.