I\'m trying to get cron to call in the correct PATHs. When I run a Python script from shell the script runs fine as it uses the PATHs set in bashrc but when I use cron all t
If you don't want to have to make the same edits in various places, then roughly do this:
* * * * * . /home/username/.bashrc && yourcommand all of your args
The . space and then the path to .bashrc and the && command are the magic there to get your environment changes into the running bash shell. Too, if you really want the shell to be bash, it is a good idea to have a line in your crontab:
Hope it helps someone!
Setting PATH right before the command line in my crontab worked for me:
* * * * * PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/path/to/some/thing
Set the required PATH in your cron
crontab -e
Edit: Press i
10 * * * * your_command
Save and exit :wq