We are switching hosts and the old one provided a SQL dump of the PostgreSQL database of our site.
Now, I\'m trying to set this up on a local WAMP server to test thi
I had more than 100MB data, therefore I could not restore database using Pgadmin4.
I used simply postgres client, and write below command.
postgres@khan:/$ pg_restore -d database_name /home/khan/Downloads/dump.sql
It worked fine and took few seconds.You can see below link for more information. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/app-pgrestore.html
Just for funsies, if your dump is compressed you can do something like
gunzip -c filename.gz | psql dbname
As Jacob mentioned, the PostgreSQL docs describe all this quite well.
I use:
cat /home/path/to/dump/file | psql -h localhost -U <user_name> -d <db_name>
Hope this will help someone.