This can be done fairly easily with SyntaxHighlighter. I have step-by-step instructions for setting up SyntaxHighlighter in Blogger on my blog. SyntaxHighlighter is very easy to use. It lets you post snippets in raw form and then wrap them in pre
blocks like:
<pre name="code" class="brush: erlang"><![CDATA[
-export([string_strip_right/1, reverse_tl_reverse/1, bench/0]).
bench() -> [nbench(N) || N <- [1,1000,1000000]].
nbench(N) -> {N, bench(["a" || _ <- lists:seq(1,N)])}.
bench(String) ->
element(1, timer:tc(trim, string_strip_right, [String]))
|| _ <- lists:seq(1,1000)])},
element(1, timer:tc(trim, reverse_tl_reverse, [String]))
|| _ <- lists:seq(1,1000)])}}.
string_strip_right(String) -> string:strip(String, right, $\n).
reverse_tl_reverse(String) ->
Just change the brush name to "python" or "java" or "javascript" and paste in the code of your choice. The CDATA tagging let's you put pretty much any code in there without worrying about entity escaping or other typical annoyances of code blogging.