I want to sign a pdf document with ITextSharp and return ltv pdf enabled file

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庸人自扰 2020-12-04 04:23

The method receives pdf document as byte array that should be signed, certificate to sign with and TSA client and it returns signed document as byte array or null if there w

  • 2020-12-04 04:36

    In general you cannot expect the signature creation step to return a LTV-enabled signature.

    Leonard Rosenthol (Adobe's prime PDF Guru) remarked on the iText mailing list in early 2013 that while it is possible to have the signature container itself already contain all the information required for a LTV enabled signature, this is very uncommon and not always possible.

    (There are exceptions, e.g. there was a Swisscom signing service generating signature containers with all the extra information required for a LTV enabled integrated PDF signature.)

    Thus, in general you'll have to add all the missing information in a second step.

    Such a second step, on the other hand, means that such a second pass may interfere with signing with CertificationLevel = CERTIFIED_NO_CHANGES_ALLOWED - the current PDF specification requires that even for such a certification level incremental updates are allowed if they contain only signature validation information but I have not yet seen Adobe Reader not complain about in such a case. So you might have to loosen your certification level for LTV enabling.

    For iText 5 / Java and iText 7 / Java helper classes that execute this second step can be found in this answer (iText 5) and this answer (iText 7).

    I have ported the Java helper class for iText 5 to C#:

    using iTextSharp.text;
    using iTextSharp.text.error_messages;
    using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
    using iTextSharp.text.pdf.security;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Ocsp;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.X509;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using System.Text;
    class AdobeLtvEnabling
         * Use this constructor with a {@link PdfStamper} in append mode. Otherwise
         * the existing signatures will be damaged.
        public AdobeLtvEnabling(PdfStamper pdfStamper)
            this.pdfStamper = pdfStamper;
         * Call this method to have LTV information added to the {@link PdfStamper}
         * given in the constructor.
        public void enable(IOcspClient ocspClient, ICrlClient crlClient)
            AcroFields fields = pdfStamper.AcroFields;
            bool encrypted = pdfStamper.Reader.IsEncrypted();
            List<String> names = fields.GetSignatureNames();
            foreach (String name in names)
                PdfPKCS7 pdfPKCS7 = fields.VerifySignature(name);
                PdfDictionary signatureDictionary = fields.GetSignatureDictionary(name);
                X509Certificate certificate = pdfPKCS7.SigningCertificate;
                addLtvForChain(certificate, ocspClient, crlClient, getSignatureHashKey(signatureDictionary, encrypted));
        // the actual LTV enabling methods
        void addLtvForChain(X509Certificate certificate, IOcspClient ocspClient, ICrlClient crlClient, PdfName key)
            if (seenCertificates.Contains(certificate))
            ValidationData validationData = new ValidationData();
            while (certificate != null)
                X509Certificate issuer = getIssuerCertificate(certificate);
                byte[] ocspResponse = ocspClient.GetEncoded(certificate, issuer, null);
                if (ocspResponse != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("  with OCSP response");
                    X509Certificate ocspSigner = getOcspSignerCertificate(ocspResponse);
                    if (ocspSigner != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("  signed by {0}\n", ocspSigner.SubjectDN);
                    addLtvForChain(ocspSigner, ocspClient, crlClient, getOcspHashKey(ocspResponse));
                    ICollection<byte[]> crl = crlClient.GetEncoded(certificate, null);
                    if (crl != null && crl.Count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("  with {0} CRLs\n", crl.Count);
                        foreach (byte[] crlBytes in crl)
                            addLtvForChain(null, ocspClient, crlClient, getCrlHashKey(crlBytes));
                certificate = issuer;
            validated[key] = validationData;
        void outputDss()
            PdfWriter writer = pdfStamper.Writer;
            PdfReader reader = pdfStamper.Reader;
            PdfDictionary dss = new PdfDictionary();
            PdfDictionary vrim = new PdfDictionary();
            PdfArray ocsps = new PdfArray();
            PdfArray crls = new PdfArray();
            PdfArray certs = new PdfArray();
            writer.AddDeveloperExtension(new PdfDeveloperExtension(PdfName.ADBE, new PdfName("1.7"), 8));
            PdfDictionary catalog = reader.Catalog;
            foreach (PdfName vkey in validated.Keys)
                PdfArray ocsp = new PdfArray();
                PdfArray crl = new PdfArray();
                PdfArray cert = new PdfArray();
                PdfDictionary vri = new PdfDictionary();
                foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].crls)
                    PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b);
                    PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference;
                foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].ocsps)
                    PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(buildOCSPResponse(b));
                    PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference;
                foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].certs)
                    PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b);
                    PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference;
                if (ocsp.Length > 0)
                    vri.Put(PdfName.OCSP, writer.AddToBody(ocsp, false).IndirectReference);
                if (crl.Length > 0)
                    vri.Put(PdfName.CRL, writer.AddToBody(crl, false).IndirectReference);
                if (cert.Length > 0)
                    vri.Put(PdfName.CERT, writer.AddToBody(cert, false).IndirectReference);
                vri.Put(PdfName.TU, new PdfDate());
                vrim.Put(vkey, writer.AddToBody(vri, false).IndirectReference);
            dss.Put(PdfName.VRI, writer.AddToBody(vrim, false).IndirectReference);
            if (ocsps.Length > 0)
                dss.Put(PdfName.OCSPS, writer.AddToBody(ocsps, false).IndirectReference);
            if (crls.Length > 0)
                dss.Put(PdfName.CRLS, writer.AddToBody(crls, false).IndirectReference);
            if (certs.Length > 0)
                dss.Put(PdfName.CERTS, writer.AddToBody(certs, false).IndirectReference);
            catalog.Put(PdfName.DSS, writer.AddToBody(dss, false).IndirectReference);
        // VRI signature hash key calculation
        static PdfName getCrlHashKey(byte[] crlBytes)
            X509Crl crl = new X509Crl(CertificateList.GetInstance(crlBytes)); 
            byte[] signatureBytes = crl.GetSignature();
            DerOctetString octetString = new DerOctetString(signatureBytes);
            byte[] octetBytes = octetString.GetEncoded();
            byte[] octetHash = hashBytesSha1(octetBytes);
            PdfName octetName = new PdfName(Utilities.ConvertToHex(octetHash));
            return octetName;
        static PdfName getOcspHashKey(byte[] basicResponseBytes)
            BasicOcspResponse basicResponse = BasicOcspResponse.GetInstance(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(basicResponseBytes));
            byte[] signatureBytes = basicResponse.Signature.GetBytes();
            DerOctetString octetString = new DerOctetString(signatureBytes);
            byte[] octetBytes = octetString.GetEncoded();
            byte[] octetHash = hashBytesSha1(octetBytes);
            PdfName octetName = new PdfName(Utilities.ConvertToHex(octetHash));
            return octetName;
        static PdfName getSignatureHashKey(PdfDictionary dic, bool encrypted)
            PdfString contents = dic.GetAsString(PdfName.CONTENTS);
            byte[] bc = contents.GetOriginalBytes();
            if (PdfName.ETSI_RFC3161.Equals(PdfReader.GetPdfObject(dic.Get(PdfName.SUBFILTER))))
                using (Asn1InputStream din = new Asn1InputStream(bc))
                    Asn1Object pkcs = din.ReadObject();
                    bc = pkcs.GetEncoded();
            byte[] bt = hashBytesSha1(bc);
            return new PdfName(Utilities.ConvertToHex(bt));
        static byte[] hashBytesSha1(byte[] b)
            SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            return sha.ComputeHash(b);
        // OCSP response helpers
        static X509Certificate getOcspSignerCertificate(byte[] basicResponseBytes)
            BasicOcspResponse borRaw = BasicOcspResponse.GetInstance(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(basicResponseBytes));
            BasicOcspResp bor = new BasicOcspResp(borRaw);
            foreach (X509Certificate x509Certificate in bor.GetCerts())
                if (bor.Verify(x509Certificate.GetPublicKey()))
                    return x509Certificate;
            return null;
        static byte[] buildOCSPResponse(byte[] BasicOCSPResponse)
            DerOctetString doctet = new DerOctetString(BasicOCSPResponse);
            Asn1EncodableVector v2 = new Asn1EncodableVector();
            DerEnumerated den = new DerEnumerated(0);
            Asn1EncodableVector v3 = new Asn1EncodableVector();
            v3.Add(new DerTaggedObject(true, 0, new DerSequence(v2)));            
            DerSequence seq = new DerSequence(v3);
            return seq.GetEncoded();
        // X509 certificate related helpers
        static X509Certificate getIssuerCertificate(X509Certificate certificate)
            String url = getCACURL(certificate);
            if (url != null && url.Length > 0)
                HttpWebRequest con = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)con.GetResponse();
                if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("invalid.http.response.1", (int)response.StatusCode));
                //Get Response
                Stream inp = response.GetResponseStream();
                byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
                MemoryStream bout = new MemoryStream();
                while (true)
                    int n = inp.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                    if (n <= 0)
                    bout.Write(buf, 0, n);
                var cert2 = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(bout.ToArray());
                return new X509Certificate(X509CertificateStructure.GetInstance(cert2.GetRawCertData()));
                return null;
            catch (Exception e)
            foreach (X509Certificate candidate in extraCertificates)
                    return candidate;
                catch (Exception e)
            return null;
        static String getCACURL(X509Certificate certificate)
                Asn1Object obj = getExtensionValue(certificate, X509Extensions.AuthorityInfoAccess.Id);
                if (obj == null)
                    return null;
                Asn1Sequence AccessDescriptions = (Asn1Sequence)obj;
                for (int i = 0; i < AccessDescriptions.Count; i++)
                    Asn1Sequence AccessDescription = (Asn1Sequence)AccessDescriptions[i];
                    if (AccessDescription.Count != 2)
                        if ((AccessDescription[0] is DerObjectIdentifier) && ((DerObjectIdentifier)AccessDescription[0]).Id.Equals(""))
                            String AccessLocation = getStringFromGeneralName((Asn1Object)AccessDescription[1]);
                            return AccessLocation == null ? "" : AccessLocation;
            return null;
        static Asn1Object getExtensionValue(X509Certificate certificate, String oid)
            byte[] bytes = certificate.GetExtensionValue(new DerObjectIdentifier(oid)).GetDerEncoded();
            if (bytes == null) {
                return null;
            Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(new MemoryStream(bytes));
            Asn1OctetString octs = (Asn1OctetString)aIn.ReadObject();
            aIn = new Asn1InputStream(new MemoryStream(octs.GetOctets()));
            return aIn.ReadObject();
        private static String getStringFromGeneralName(Asn1Object names)
            Asn1TaggedObject taggedObject = (Asn1TaggedObject) names;
            return Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(Asn1OctetString.GetInstance(taggedObject, false).GetOctets());
        // inner class
        class ValidationData
            public IList<byte[]> crls = new List<byte[]>();
            public IList<byte[]> ocsps = new List<byte[]>();
            public IList<byte[]> certs = new List<byte[]>();
        // member variables
        PdfStamper pdfStamper;
        ISet<X509Certificate> seenCertificates = new HashSet<X509Certificate>();
        IDictionary<PdfName, ValidationData> validated = new Dictionary<PdfName, ValidationData>();
        public static List<X509Certificate> extraCertificates = new List<X509Certificate>();

    You generally use that class like this

    PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(signedDocument);
    FileStream os = new FileStream(ENABLED_PDF, FileMode.Create);
    PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(reader, os, (char)0, true);
    AdobeLtvEnabling adobeLtvEnabling = new AdobeLtvEnabling(pdfStamper);
    IOcspClient ocsp = new OcspClientBouncyCastle();
    ICrlClient crl = new CrlClientOnline();
    adobeLtvEnabling.enable(ocsp, crl);

    The original Java class has the limitation that

    the complete certificate chains are assumed to be buildable using AIA entries.

    This means that every (non-root) certificate in question contains an URL for downloading its issuer certificate.

    This is not always the case. To get around that limitation here, I added a public static List extraCertificates into which one can put additional certificates which are tested as issuer certificate candidates if there is no issuer certificate URL in some certificates. Before calling enable you have to add those extra certificates as BouncyCastle X509Certificate objects.

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