Since a couple of days ago when I run a for loop in R it gives me plenty of errors related to \"}\". It only happens if I highlight the whole code and run it. If i execute i
I suspect that the issue was in using the R script that I downloaded from a website. I ended up reinstalling R and saving my own R script as a new file. I am not sure what and how, but now it is working fine.
I have been experiencing the same problem, and have found that it is caused by a bug in RStudio (the code runs fine in R and R-gui, but fails in RStudio.) It is hard to reproduce until something gets corrupted in RStudio's saved state, after which the behaviour is pretty consistent.
Removing ~/.rstudio-desktop
fixed the issue for me.
mv ~/.rstudio-desktop ~/rstudio-desktop.old
More on resetting RStudio's state on various platforms here.
I am also using Rstudio and get the same error message when running for loops.
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
If I source the file, like this...
or if I simply click the "source" button in the GUI, I don't get the same error message.
If sourcing the whole R script is not an option, consider copying the for loop to another file and sourcing that.