I am getting an odd return code from msiexec when installing an MSI. Namely, -2147021886
. I THINK I remember reading somewhere that this is some sort of format
"The Magic Number Database": I recently discovered magnumdb.com (cleared virustotal 30-9-2018) in a tweet from Remko Weijnen.
"The Magic Number Database"
is apparently maintained by Simon Mourier.Looking up your error code: https://www.magnumdb.com/search?q=-2147021886
1 ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED Int32 -2147021886 %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17134.0\shared\winerror.h(11960,0)
Other Approaches: Including a couple of other options for similar situations.
Visual Studio (2017): Menu choice: Tools => Error Lookup
. This Visual Studio tool (errlook.exe
) can be found in the "Tools" folder
of your Visual Studio installation. N.B! Localized messages! (internationalized).
cmd.exe: Via the command line, the net command
can normally be used to look up error codes: net helpmsg errorcode
. See blog link below for limitations.
certutil.exe: Try it via cmd.exe: certutil.exe /error errorcode
. Not sure if this is available in a clean install, but with Visual Studio it should be already available. Appears very good! Localized messages.
Err.exe: An old tool from the Exchange team. Dated now. See blog link below - in the comments. Needs download. English messages, non-localized.
And in C++ the FormatMessage call. And just mentioning the winerror.h
and ntstatus.h
files. Retrieving the Last-Error Code. And a Powershell blog.
calc.exe: And obviously use the new Windows 10 calc.exe in "Programmer Mode" to convert between hex / dec and all kinds of other tasks: