I have the following data:
x1 x2 x3 x4
34 14 45 53
2 8 18 17
34 14 45 20
19 78 21 48
2 8 18 5
In rows 1 and 3; and
There is another way to solve both questions using two packages.
dat[AllDuplicated(dat[1:3]), ] %>% # this line is to find duplicates
group_by(x1, x2) %>% # the lines followed are to sum up
mutate(x4 = sum(x4)) %>%
# Source: local data frame [2 x 4]
# Groups: x1, x2
# x1 x2 x3 x4
# 1 34 14 45 73
# 2 2 8 18 22
You can do this with duplicated
, which checks for rows being duplicated when passed a matrix. Since you're only checking the first three columns, you should pass dat[,-4]
to the function.
dat[duplicated(dat[,-4]) | duplicated(dat[,-4], fromLast=T),]
# x1 x2 x3 x4
# 1 34 14 45 53
# 2 2 8 18 17
# 3 34 14 45 20
# 5 2 8 18 5
An alternative using ave
dat[ave(dat[,1], dat[-4], FUN=length) > 1,]
# x1 x2 x3 x4
#1 34 14 45 53
#2 2 8 18 17
#3 34 14 45 20
#5 2 8 18 5
first one similar as above, let z be your data.frame:
(zz <- Sort(z[AllDuplicated(z[, -4]), ], decreasing=TRUE) )
# now aggregate
aggregate(zz[, 4], zz[, -4], FUN=sum)
# use Sort again, if needed...
Learned this one the other day. You won't need to re-order the output.
s <- split(dat, do.call(paste, dat[-4]))
Reduce(rbind, Filter(function(x) nrow(x) > 1, s))
# x1 x2 x3 x4
# 2 2 8 18 17
# 5 2 8 18 5
# 1 34 14 45 53
# 3 34 14 45 20
Can also use table command:
> d1 = ddf[ddf$x1 %in% ddf$x1[which(table(ddf$x1)>1)],]
> d2 = ddf[ddf$x2 %in% ddf$x2[which(table(ddf$x2)>1)],]
> rr = rbind(d1, d2)
> rr[!duplicated(rbind(d1, d2)),]
x1 x2 x3 x4
1 34 14 45 53
3 34 14 45 20
2 2 8 18 17
5 2 8 18 5
For sum in last column:
> rrt = data.table(rr2)
> rrt[,x4:=sum(x4),by=x1]
> rrt[rrt[,!duplicated(x1),]]
x1 x2 x3 x4
1: 34 14 45 73
2: 2 8 18 22