I am writing a simple HTTP client in .NET for learning purposes. I am using the .NET Socket class, which ultimately uses Winsock. I do not want to use the WebRequest, HttpWe
Your understanding is mostly correct, with some minor corrections, per RFC 2616 Section 4.4:
Read and parse HTTP headers
if not successful:
throw error
if response can contain message body:
if HTTP version is 1.1+ and Transfer-encoding is not identity:
while true:
read line, extract delimited ASCII hexadecimal, the chunk size
if not successful:
throw error
if chunk size is 0:
break while loop
read chunk size number of bytes
read and parse trailing HTTP headers
else if Content-Length is specified:
read Content-Length number of bytes
else if Content-Type is "multipart/byteranges":
read and parse MIME-encoded chunks until terminating MIME boundary is reached
read until connection is closed
You should look at http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-24.html#message.body.length (if this doesn't answer your question then please send back to the Working Group).