As per title, does anyone know why it freezes every 30 seconds? I figured that it was some sort of timer with Google Maps but cant find any such reference.
To recr
This appears to be an issue in the experimental version, currently 3.20.
See versioning in the Developer's Guide
The Google Maps API team will regularly update this Javascript API with new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. All API changes will be backwards-compatible, ensuring that if you launch an application using the currently documented interfaces, that application will continue to work without modification as the API is updated. (Note: experimental features, documented in the Experimental API Reference are not covered by this guarantee. Features that are experimental will be clearly labeled in the API documentation.)
Types of Versions
You can indicate which version of the API to load within your application by specifying it using the v parameter of the Maps Javascript API bootstrap request. Three options are supported:
- The experimental version, specified with v=3.exp.
- The release version, specified with v=3 or v=3.19.
- A numbered version, specified with v=3.18.
- If you do not explicitly specify a version, you will receive the experimental version by default. Google Maps API for Work customers who specify a client ID will receive the release version by default.
The experimental version
The experimental version — currently 3.20 — contains the latest features and bug fixes as they are made publicly available. Changes made to the experimental version are not guaranteed to be feature stable. We encourage you to regularly test your applications with the experimental version, which you can do by adding v=3.20 when loading the Maps API. If you like to live on the edge, you can add v=3.exp to always receive the current experimental version with all of its latest features.
If you try to run the HTML from a local drive with developer tools on you get the error 'Invalid Argument', in the function below, then you hit f5 to continue and the map eventually renders. Hope this helps.
function dn(a,b){return a.setQuery=b}function en(a,b){return a.background=b}function fn(a,b){return a.tilt_changed=b}function gn(a,b){return a.bounds_changed=b}function hn(a,b){return a.getStatus=b}function jn(a,b){return a.getQuery=b}function kn(a,b){return a.projectionBounds_changed=b}function ln(a,b){return a.border=b}
I think it has something to do with the security settings (for local files).
Because I hosted the exact same file on github, and it seems to work fine. And the only difference between the two files are their storing location.
If you open the local file, it would says something like internet explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or activex controls
, so I would say it is the security settings for local files.