I am trying to connect to a web service via an Android device by using the ksoap2 library. I\'ve gotten it to work on two different services fine, but now I\'ve ran into a
I had similar problems in the past. I'll give you an example of a part i had to fix in my application and how i did, check if you did these steps in your case:
In the wsdl there was:
<message name="invokeService">
<part name="serviceName" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="documents" type="tns:uriList"/>
<part name="literalDocs" type="ns1:stringArray"/>
<part name="connID" type="xsd:long"/>
<part name="gateParams" type="tns:gateRuntimeParameterArray"/>
<part name="userCtx" type="tns:userContext"/>
So I had to follow these steps:
1- check if your classes implementing KvmSerializable are accurately defined and not missing anything (this is cruciale for complex types)
2-Add ALL the necessary soap object properties that you need, for example in my case :
//for the part: <part name="serviceName" type="xsd:string"/>
SoapObject.addProperty("serviceName", whateverServiceNameItWas);
//for the part: <part name="documents" type="tns:uriList"/>,where uriList was a complex type
PropertyInfo pi = new PropertyInfo();
3-Build the enveloppe:
SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
4- Add mappings between complex types(ie local class that implement kvmserializable, and the real matching classes on the web service)
// A mapping tells the ksoap what class to generate.
// Complex data types that are not mapped are generated as SoapObjects.
// The mapping is required for both the request and the response.
//for example the UriList above
soapEnvelope.addMapping(theNamespace, UriList.class.getSimpleName(), UriList.class);
5- Add marshalling:(Marshalling uses java serialization to change Objects to stream of data to be unmarshalled on the web service.)
Marshal floatMarshal = new MarshalFloat();
6- Use AndroidHttpTransport to call the web service
I also noticed that you have in the browser request:
<d4p1:Schools i:nil="true" />
While in Android:
<Schools i:type="d:string"></Schools>
Sometimes ksoap2 bugs with such a scenario, i had the same case so what i did is i just removed (commented out, since it allows nil ie null values) this param (ie schools) from its specific class that implements kvmserializable ( of course you will have to modify other stuff in the class like "getPropertyCount" and "getPropertyInfo" to adapt to this change). When i did that it worked, so try that and let me know.