How to summarize on different groupby combinations?

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后悔当初 2020-12-04 02:59

I am compiling a table of top-3 crops by county. Some counties have the same crop varieties in the same order. Other counties have the same crop varieties in a different ord

  • 2020-12-04 03:33

    Method 1:

    Combine the crop columns

    >>> df1['combined_temp'] = df1.apply(lambda x : list([x['Crop1'],
    ...                           x['Crop2'],
    ...                           x['Crop3']]),axis=1)
    >>> df1.head()
           County   Crop1    Crop2    Crop3  Total_pop              combined_temp
    0      Harney   grain   melons   apples       2000    [grain, melons, apples]
    1       Baker  melons    grain   apples       1500    [melons, grain, apples]
    2     Wheeler  melons    grain   apples       3000    [melons, grain, apples]
    3  Hood River  apples   melons    grain       1500    [apples, melons, grain]
    4       Wasco   pears  carrots  raddish       2000  [pears, carrots, raddish]

    make it a sorted tuple

    >>> df1['sorted'] = df1.apply(lambda x : tuple(sorted(x['combined_temp'])),axis=1)
    >>> df1.head()
           County   Crop1    Crop2            ...             Total_pop              combined_temp                     sorted
    0      Harney   grain   melons            ...                  2000    [grain, melons, apples]    (apples, grain, melons)
    1       Baker  melons    grain            ...                  1500    [melons, grain, apples]    (apples, grain, melons)
    2     Wheeler  melons    grain            ...                  3000    [melons, grain, apples]    (apples, grain, melons)
    3  Hood River  apples   melons            ...                  1500    [apples, melons, grain]    (apples, grain, melons)
    4       Wasco   pears  carrots            ...                  2000  [pears, carrots, raddish]  (carrots, pears, raddish)

    then proceed to your normal group by operation

    >>> df1_grouped = df1.groupby(['sorted'])['Total_pop'].sum().reset_index()
    >>> df1_grouped
                          sorted  Total_pop
    0    (apples, grain, melons)       8000
    1  (carrots, pears, raddish)       9200

    Method 2: A shorted version based on the answer by aws-apprentice

    df = df1.copy()
    grouping_cols = ['Crop1', 'Crop2', 'Crop3']
    df[grouping_cols] = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[:, grouping_cols] \
                                .apply(set, axis=1) \
                                .values \
                                .tolist(), columns=grouping_cols)
    >>> df.head()
           County    Crop1  Crop2    Crop3  Total_pop
    0      Harney   apples  grain   melons       2000
    1       Baker   apples  grain   melons       1500
    2     Wheeler   apples  grain   melons       3000
    3  Hood River   apples  grain   melons       1500
    4       Wasco  carrots  pears  raddish       2000

    now take group by group by

    >>> df.groupby(grouping_cols).Total_pop.sum()
    Crop1    Crop2  Crop3  
    apples   grain  melons     8000
    carrots  pears  raddish    9200
    Name: Total_pop, dtype: int64

    but i personally prefer this answer using numpy

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 03:39


    i, u = pd.factorize([*map(frozenset, zip(df1.Crop1, df1.Crop2, df1.Crop3))])
    s = np.bincount(i, df1.Total_pop)
    pd.Series(s, u)
    (melons, grain, apples)      8000.0
    (carrots, raddish, pears)    9200.0
    dtype: float64

    Or, if you want separate columns

    pd.Series(dict(zip(map(tuple, u), s)))
    melons   grain    apples    8000.0
    carrots  raddish  pears     9200.0
    dtype: float64

    And fully pretty

    pd.Series(dict(zip(map(tuple, u), s))) \
      .rename_axis(['Crop1', 'Crop2', 'Crop3']).reset_index(name='Total_pop')
         Crop1    Crop2   Crop3  Total_pop
    0   melons    grain  apples     8000.0
    1  carrots  raddish   pears     9200.0
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 03:42

    Since your data seem to guarantee 3 unique crops per country ("I am compiling a table of top-3 crops by county."), it suffices to sort the values and assign back.

    import numpy as np
    cols = ['Crop1', 'Crop2', 'Crop3']
    df1[cols] = np.sort(df1[cols].values, axis=1)
           County    Crop1  Crop2    Crop3  Total_pop
    0      Harney   apples  grain   melons       2000
    1       Baker   apples  grain   melons       1500
    2     Wheeler   apples  grain   melons       3000
    3  Hood River   apples  grain   melons       1500
    4       Wasco  carrots  pears  raddish       2000
    5      Morrow  carrots  pears  raddish       2500
    6       Union  carrots  pears  raddish       2700
    7        Lake  carrots  pears  raddish       2000

    Then to summarize:

    #                       Total_pop
    #Crop1   Crop2 Crop3             
    #apples  grain melons        8000
    #carrots pears raddish       9200

    The benefit is that you avoid Series.apply or .apply(axis=1). For larger DataFrames, the performance difference is noticeable:

    df1 = pd.concat([df1]*10000, ignore_index=True)
    cols = ['Crop1', 'Crop2', 'Crop3']
    %timeit df1[cols] = np.sort(df1[cols].values, axis=1)
    #36.1 ms ± 399 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    to_sum = ['Crop1', 'Crop2', 'Crop3']
    %timeit df1[to_sum] = pd.DataFrame(df1.loc[:, to_sum].apply(set, axis=1).apply(list).values.tolist(), columns=to_sum)
    #1.41 s ± 51.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 03:46
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame( {
        "County" : ["Harney", "Baker", "Wheeler", "Hood River", "Wasco" , "Morrow","Union","Lake"] ,
        "Crop1" : ["grain", "melons", "melons", "apples", "pears", "raddish","pears","pears"],
        "Crop2" : ["melons","grain","grain","melons","carrots","pears","carrots","carrots"],
        "Crop3": ["apples","apples","apples","grain","raddish","carrots","raddish","raddish"],
        "Total_pop": [2000,1500,3000,1500,2000,2500,2700,2000]} )
    df["Merged"] = df[["Crop1", "Crop2", "Crop3"]].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.dropna().astype(str).values), axis=1).str.split(",")
    df["Merged"] = df["Merged"].sort_values().apply(lambda x: sorted(x)).apply(lambda x: ",".join(x))
    df[["x", "y", "z"]] = df["Merged"].str.split(",", expand=True)


          County    Crop1    Crop2    Crop3  Total_pop
          Harney    grain   melons   apples       2000
           Baker   melons    grain   apples       1500
         Wheeler   melons    grain   apples       3000
      Hood River   apples   melons    grain       1500
           Wasco    pears  carrots  raddish       2000
          Morrow  raddish    pears  carrots       2500
           Union    pears  carrots  raddish       2700
            Lake    pears  carrots  raddish       2000
               x      y        z  Total_pop
          apples  grain   melons       8000
         carrots  pears  raddish       9200
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 03:47

    Here is one way to do it.

    First let's get the unique values across the columns and then reassign these values back to the DataFrame. We will perform this on a copy of the original data since you might need to preserve the original data.

    df = df1.copy()
    to_sum = ['Crop1', 'Crop2', 'Crop3']
    df[to_sum] = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[:, to_sum] \
                                .apply(set, axis=1) \
                                .apply(sorted) \
                                .values \
                                .tolist(), columns=to_sum)
           County  Crop1    Crop2    Crop3  Total_pop
    0      Harney  grain   apples   melons       2000
    1       Baker  grain   apples   melons       1500
    2     Wheeler  grain   apples   melons       3000
    3  Hood River  grain   apples   melons       1500
    4       Wasco  pears  carrots  raddish       2000
    5      Morrow  pears  carrots  raddish       2500
    6       Union  pears  carrots  raddish       2700
    7        Lake  pears  carrots  raddish       2000

    Now we can perform our groupby to get the desired results.

    Crop1    Crop2  Crop3  
    apples   grain  melons     8000
    carrots  pears  raddish    9200
    Name: Total_pop, dtype: int64
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