How to find index of list item in Swift?

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离开以前 2020-11-22 06:17

I am trying to find an item index by searching a list. Does anybody know how to do that?

I see there is list.StartIndex and <

  • 2020-11-22 06:53

    You can filter an array with a closure:

    var myList = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    var filtered = myList.filter { $0 == 3 }  // <= returns [3]

    And you can count an array:

    filtered.count // <= returns 1

    So you can determine if an array includes your element by combining these:

    myList.filter { $0 == 3 }.count > 0  // <= returns true if the array includes 3

    If you want to find the position, I don't see fancy way, but you can certainly do it like this:

    var found: Int?  // <= will hold the index if it was found, or else will be nil
    for i in (0..x.count) {
        if x[i] == 3 {
            found = i


    While we're at it, for a fun exercise let's extend Array to have a find method:

    extension Array {
        func find(includedElement: T -> Bool) -> Int? {
            for (idx, element) in enumerate(self) {
                if includedElement(element) {
                    return idx
            return nil

    Now we can do this:

    myList.find { $0 == 3 }
    // returns the index position of 3 or nil if not found
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 06:53

    Swift 5

    func firstIndex(of element: Element) -> Int?
    var alphabets = ["A", "B", "E", "D"]


    let index = alphabets.firstIndex(where: {$0 == "A"})


    if let i = alphabets.firstIndex(of: "E") {
        alphabets[i] = "C" // i is the index
    // Prints "["A", "B", "C", "D"]"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 06:53

    In Swift 4, if you are traversing through your DataModel array, make sure your data model conforms to Equatable Protocol , implement the lhs=rhs method , and only then you can use ".index(of" . For example

    class Photo : Equatable{
        var imageURL: URL?
        init(imageURL: URL){
            self.imageURL = imageURL
        static func == (lhs: Photo, rhs: Photo) -> Bool{
            return lhs.imageURL == rhs.imageURL

    And then,

    let index = aPhoto)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 06:53

    SWIFT 4

    Let's say you want to store a number from the array called cardButtons into cardNumber, you can do it this way:

    let cardNumber = cardButtons.index(of: sender)

    sender is the name of your button

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