In an OpenGL project, I have a function that rotates the model:
glRotatef(M_PI/4, 0, 0, 1);
//rotate by PI/4 radians i.e 45 degrees
Now when I
Your question is a little confusing, as I don't understand what you mean by this stopping criteria. But if you want to get the transformed values for points, then you can simply pass them through the appropriate transform matrices to get them into the space you want. If you want the values in eye space, then pass your vertex coordinates through the modelview matrix, for example. See here for details of how that works.
if you use glRotatef
from OpenGL do not forget that rotation angle is in Degrees not in radians !!!
for the transformation and confusion part user1118321 is absolutely right.
I thing for your purposes you need only to apply GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX
if you need coordinates in model space you must multiply inverse modelview matrix by global coordinates vector.
If you need coordinates in global space than you must multiply modelview matrix by model coordinates vector.
coordinates send by vertex are in model space
you can obtain actual modelview matrix with gl functions glGetFlotav/glGetDoublev
double m[16];
inverse matrix and matrix x vector multiplication is not present in OpenGL so you must code it yourself or use some lib. Do not forget that matrices in OpenGL are column oriented not row oriented and coordinate vectors are homogenuous so x,y,z,w
where w=1
for your purposes. Here is code I use for my OpenGL sub-calculations, all vectors are double[4]
and matrices are double[16]
void matrix_mul_vector(double *c,double *a,double *b)
double q[3];
q[0]=(a[ 0]*b[0])+(a[ 4]*b[1])+(a[ 8]*b[2])+(a[12]);
q[1]=(a[ 1]*b[0])+(a[ 5]*b[1])+(a[ 9]*b[2])+(a[13]);
q[2]=(a[ 2]*b[0])+(a[ 6]*b[1])+(a[10]*b[2])+(a[14]);
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) c[i]=q[i];
void matrix_subdet (double *c,double *a)
double q[16];
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
for (i=0;i<16;i++) c[i]=q[i];
double matrix_subdet ( double *a,int r,int s)
double c,q[9];
int i,j,k;
k=0; // q = sub matrix
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
if (j!=s)
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
if (i!=r)
if (int((r+s)&1)) c=-c; // add signum
return c;
double matrix_det ( double *a)
double c=0;
c+=a[ 0]*matrix_subdet(a,0,0);
c+=a[ 4]*matrix_subdet(a,0,1);
c+=a[ 8]*matrix_subdet(a,0,2);
return c;
double matrix_det ( double *a,double *b)
double c=0;
c+=a[ 0]*b[ 0];
c+=a[ 4]*b[ 1];
c+=a[ 8]*b[ 2];
c+=a[12]*b[ 3];
return c;
void matrix_inv (double *c,double *a)
double d[16],D;
if (D) D=1.0/D;
for (int i=0;i<16;i++) c[i]=d[i]*D;
For more info see: