Hopefully this isn\'t a duplicate or too broad. I just have a feeling I need a bit more information than anything else I\'ve been able to find.
I have a program/serv
To answer your five (5) questions, without loss of generality, we assume that
(I) the metadata file of SAML IdP is idpsaml-metadata.xml
(II) the metadata file of SAML SP is sp-example-org.xml
Answer: /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/sp-example-org.xml
Answer: The metadata file of SAML SP consists of the SP certificate. SAML IdP will extract SP certificate from SAML SP's metadata (e.g., sp-example-org.xml)
Answer: The metadata file of SAML IdP consists of all the IdP certificates (which have been generated by the default setup of SAML IdP).
You need to place the metadata file of SAML IdP (e.g., idpsaml-metadata.xml) into the SAML SP's home directory, e.g., /etc/shibboleth/idpsaml-metadata.xml
Answer: Usually SAML SP uses HTTP-POST endpoint as SAML IdP login path, e.g.,
<SingleSignOnService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://IdP-Server-URL/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO"/>
You also need to configure Shibboleth IdP with LDAP user authentication.
Answer: To allow SAML IdP to provide identity authentication for SAML SP, both SAML IdP and SAML SP need to exchange their metadata. Then you need to configure SAML IdP with SAML SP.
SAML IdP /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/metadata-providers.xml
How to build and run Shibboleth SAML IdP and SP using Docker container at GitHub repository provides the sample configuration files for Shibboleth IdP and SP.