In the following code, if I use:
for line in fin:
It only executes for \'a\'
But if I use:
wordlist = fin.readline
the syntax for line in fin
can only be used once. After you do that, you've exhausted the file and you can't read it again unless you "reset the file pointer" by
. Conversely, fin.readlines()
will give you a list which you can iterate over and over again.
I think a simple refactor with Counter (python2.7+) could save you this headache:
from collections import Counter
with open('file') as fin:
result = Counter()
for line in fin:
result += Counter(set(line.strip().lower()))
which will count the number of words in your file (1 word per line) that contain a particular character (which is what your original code does I believe ... Please correct me if I'm wrong)
You could also do this easily with a defaultdict (python2.5+):
from collections import defaultdict
with open('file') as fin:
result = defaultdict(int)
for line in fin:
chars = set(line.strip().lower())
for c in chars:
result[c] += 1
And finally, kicking it old-school -- I don't even know when setdefault
was introduced...:
fin = open('file')
result = dict()
for line in fin:
chars = set(line.strip().lower())
for c in chars:
result[c] = result.setdefault(c,0) + 1
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
def avoids():
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
num_words = defaultdict(int)
with open('words.txt') as fin:
words = [x.strip() for x in fin.readlines() if x.strip()]
for ch, word in product(alphabet, words):
if ch not in word:
num_words[ch] += 1
return num_words
You have three options: